Prom King

Jon is more beagle to me.

I also think that SJDS is underrated. The second half of the season was a lot of fun and I think Natalie is one of my favorite winners.

I'm rewatching that one right now. Vecepia gives me the creeps. Too much God. But at least Kathy is as fun and awesome as I remember her being.

Didn't hear from Nina, at least not in a confessional. Heard her talking to her tribemates.

I really loved the episode. Super entertaining. Probst obnoxiousness at a happy minimum.

We were in the same Survivor fan group for many years (online). Although I was never a big participant and haven't even visited the group for several years, it was a small, tight-knit group with a lot of really personal, non-Survivor conversation and Nina was at the center of it. She's such a sweet, kind person that

Max, Jenn, Mike, Joaquin.

It's a toss-up between Michonne & Barry Allen. My heart says Barry Allen because he's the sweetest… but other parts of my body insist on Michonne.

Prom King is not racist, even against whites. All the races and genders and orientations are invited to Prom King's Prom. Vote for Prom King for Prom King!

Gay jokes are so gay. So 90s, so stale.

Jessa is great and she's totally not important to the show at all. I wish she was.

She's definitely annoying but in a way that is gold. Well at least for me. That scene where she's describing what she likes about Adam and managing to sound both heartfelt and totally condescending was so well-done. I haven't been this excited about a new character since Adam's sister.

I hereby forgive you!

Well obviously. And that's what we've been having, somewhat. But it's good to recognize when a conversation has run its course, and that's usually when both parties realize their viewpoints are not impacting the other person's perspective in any way. No one is giving any ground and so after a while that's not a

Oh Sweet Jesus I am not going to be providing a laundry list of examples or the metrics of what I consider trite or a breakdown of how much more time I think needs to be spent on character development! My prior posts on this topic have been long-winded and repetitious enough already. It's clear we are never going to

Ha, you have used my own example from another post against me! I'm not sure if that was intentional but it was funny for me to realize. Well I can't argue with the logic in your Mad Men example.

Probably the case. I'm happy that I've managed to avoid the TV Club reviews and posting on their comment threads about how much the show drives me up the wall because that's pretty tedious to read for people who love the show. But for some reason all my antipathy busted out all over the place on this thread. Guess

Um, yes, I am familiar with history.

Eh, I'm not seeing it. Or at least what I'm seeing is fairly superficial and doesn't balance out how tiresomely toxic they are the rest of the time. Agent Pretty Boy demonstrates how he is not just a sexist bully, he's also a coward and a liar when it comes to his supposed valor in WWII and oh, I guess he's

I think if you were to do a compare & contrast of the exciting moments you've listed (all of which I enjoyed) versus all of the times that Carter has to put up with demeaning bullshit, the latter would win out time-wise. The former does not make up for the sheer repetition of the latter.