Prom King

You are somewhat right. I watch comic book adaptations to be entertained not to be depressed, and certainly not to watch a strong, intelligent, highly capable, charismatic woman be repeatedly demeaned every single episode. It is simultaneously sickening, boring, and just unpleasant to watch. I loathe every recurring

Yep, I definitely get that feeling. Although I suppose my comment's miniscule 3 upvotes means that at least 3 people agree! That was nice to see. But even with only 1 episode left, I am still trying very hard to like it because I love the actress, the setting, and of course Marvel Universe in general. It's hard though

Ugh, I really want to like Agent Carter but it is so painful.

Tonight I had another one of those extreme fanboy moments when I realize I'm living in a world that has Firestorm, Grodd, and Reverse-Flash as supporting characters in a live action tv show with an actual fx budget. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! It's really a great feeling.

Posts like yours are tedious and they make up the majority of posts on TWD. It's like how the posts on Girls used to be. So yeah, just stop watching and wasting your time. Hate-watching anything and then posting about it is like telling the world you have literally nothing better to do with your time than to troll the

Ok, hate the post and the typical attitude it represents… but love "Fr. Perspiration" so, so much. Had to upvote.

Maybe because your example wasn't an example of "ham-fisted" writing. Rick's speech was great.

So pointless that you make the time to visit a thread and call a show you haven't watched for two seasons pointless? Pointless actually describes your post.

The foundation is rotten, and I don’t think can ever be truly fixed

Regarding all the "black guy dies again" BS in this thread… Not that it makes me an expert or anything, but here's an opinion coming from a black guy: all of you people complaining about TWD's treatment of black characters are coming from Planet Ridiculous. I can understand the complaints back in the days of T-Who?,

ugh, when did Felicity become the second most annoying character on this show? every scene with her used to be gold and she was adorable in every way. now she delivers boring, whiny, self-important lectures and spends her time almost-crying and/or avoiding doing what everyone but her knows she'll end up doing anyway.

I think it's great that Flash has the body of a regular person. He already has super powers - so he has to also have a ripped Arrow body to be believable as a hero? I don't think so.

Allow me to rephrase: "If you think getting into the Iowa Writer's Workshop is not an achievement, then you are clueless. It is an actual achievement."

I assume she is a never-nude. It fits.

It's not a detour if it helps her to get an actual book published. And if it helps her to improve her own work. From what we've seen, it needs some improvement. She's clearly talented but she's just as clearly stuck in navel-gazing mode. A place like that program can help her with that issue and it can help her

It really is one of the best-shot shows on tv. Whether it is in nature or in various buildings, they always manage something interesting.

I don't see In Bruges on his imdb. But I do see… Annapolis. Which fits right in with all of the Fast Furious.

If you think getting a degree from the Iowa Writer's Workshop is worthless, then you are clueless. It is an actual achievement.

Marnie is the best. She makes everything awkward and horrible and in every scene she just leaves me cringing. She's hilarious. I love her.

Yeah True Detective directed by the guy who directed the Fast and the Furious movies and starring Colin Farrell should be AWESOME, bro! And that is the sound of sarcasm.