Prom King

I don't know about "youngsters", I just think something about the show rubs people the wrong way. A lot of people. Maybe it is Dunham or maybe it is how the show is about a bunch of sometimes aimless, often bitchy female friends. Who knows. The comments are frustrating to me because hater comments in general aren't

You haven't noticed that it isn't only Dunham who has been lauding Dunham since the beginning of her career? That's some tunnel vision!

I watch Girls like it's a more serious (or pretentious) version of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Hannah is a monster. A wonderful, horrible monster who is really entertaining, often weirdly realistic, and sometimes even sympathetic or moving. And who is an extension or stylization or extreme version of her creator.

1. Cagayan
2. Philippines
3. San Juan del Sur
4. Blood vs. Water

oh my favorite part of the reunion was Probst trying to guilt Reed into apologizing by giving him some 'You are a role model' bullshit, and Reed basically just sticks to his guns.

I love that one. probably top 5 for me.

Danni and Vecepia both definitely deserved their wins; floating is a viable strategy if you are down in numbers post-merge. They were a part of alliances pre-merge but after the merge they had to float in between the remaining players and create temporary alliances in order to move forward.

One of my least favorite seasons, above RI and One World but definitely in the bottom 5. Except for Rob (and his awesome elimination) and sometimes Deena, just a really unappealing cast overall for me. The whole supposed cute girls vs. Christy thing also left a bad taste in the mouth.

For me at least, more screen time for Jaclyn would probably equal more reasons to dislike Jaclyn. She came across as entitled and abrasive throughout the season. No doubt I'm in the minority here, but I much prefer Baylor to Jaclyn as far as feistiness and general personality go.

I can't say I was as big a fan of the actual editing decisions, mainly because of the early viewer blindsides. They made for entertaining episodes but when I think the main goal is to shock the viewer instead of providing much rationale for a vote-out, I'm entertained but I also think it is sort of a cheap trick.

Any season with Phillip is going to be bottom-half Survivor for me. And Brandon. Sweet Jesus, two monsters for the price of one.

I think the less control Probst has over casting, the better.

If you love Danni, I think you would like Vecepia on rewatch, or at least respect her win. Her win was hard for a lot of people to take back then because there hadn't been a winner who was a floater before that season. But nowadays I think people would respect it a lot more. Danni herself played a really similar game

I loved all of the cuts to Alec. All those loving close-ups of that slack-jawed face.

I loved how Natalie could barely keep from smiling in triumph throughout the whole jury questioning. She knew she had it in the bag. I love her. Welcome to my elite list of favorite Survivor players, Natalie!

I think a good portion of the audience dislikes the idea of a non-strategic player winning. Or in the case of Keith, a lolfailedstrategy player. I used to be that way. And honestly, Fabio did pave the way for me. Initially I loathed his win and he is still probably my least favorite winner. But a winner is still a

Oh I don't think they were strategic threats. They were physical threats for eventual individual immunity wins. And even more so, being morons, they were threats to Chris for being people that Twila & Scout or more likely Eliza & Julie could manipulate as they saw fit. Fat 5 made sure none of that ever had a chance to

Robbbb throttling poor little Clay is a classic, classic moment. In fact that whole challenge with so many of Robbbbbbbbb's team being such violent, agitated poor sports and still losing was pure joy to watch a second time around.

I will be happy to never see this stupid gimmick ever again.

Agree, definitely Sandra as #1. Murders Fairplay pre-final 2 and later trounces both Russell and Parvati. Best player ever.