Prom King

I've already said this, but watching Thailand again when knowing who the winner is makes it all better. Like a how-to guide for scumbags. I really think it is unique in the Survivor series. When else has such a genuinely unlikeable villain won? it had to happen at least once. And I don't count Redemption Island

I felt all those things the first time I watched it.

It is hilarious to see Aras in the same sentence with Tony, Todd, and Mr. Freeze.

She's relying on her alliance/daughter to carry her through the end

Chase Rice deserved all of those votes - and more! He strategized and was a swing vote throughout the season. It was Fabio the idiot savant who got a surprising couple of votes from N'aonka and Purple Kelly. They fell for that idiot charm.

Eh, that was like any challenge. I just watched it because I'm rewatching Philippines now, and it didn't look like it was slanted towards anyone. If anything, it was a challenge built for Carter to win. Lots of climbing upwards on ropes.

Probably my favorite episode of the season, right above the first douchebrother elimination. Don't know why it didn't get a higher rating but I guess B+ is good?

Oh I can't wait for Laurel to become Black Canary. Then she can have flashback scenes too, just like Oliver! But instead of flashbacks to adventures on the island or in Hong Kong, it will be flashbacks showing Laurel whining at her dad, pouting at herself in the mirror, staring at the phone while downing a bottle of

But this Arrow is pretty much Batman anyway. I saw that preview and it fit right in with the Flash vs. Batman Arrow argument from earlier in the episode. This show's Oliver Queen is so much more like The Dark Knight Arrow than a version of the comic book Green Arrow, it is practically a reboot of the character.

Rupert-Christa-Sandra and Andrew-Tijuana-Darrah-theguywholikesbirds were both strong alliances. although the Rupert alliance was def stronger pre-merge.

Except Capt Obvious does too much narrating at challenges. And his constant attempts to drive home the whole frickin BLOOD VS WATER IS SO HARD AND UNIQUE BECAUSE RELATIONSHIPS ARE SO EMOOOOOOTIONAL… that drives me crazy.

Bob's win didn't surprise me like Fabio's. I thought the editing that season was pointing towards him (or Kenny) as the winner the entire time. He played a smart under the radar and floater game that other winners like Vecepia and Danni played.

Ugh, Jon & Jaclyn are the worst this season. I've given up on trying to find something likeable about them. Neither their personalities nor their style of strategizing are enjoyable to watch.

Ok, I see what you are saying and where you are coming from. Not sure if I agree with your overall points, but you expressed your perspective in a way that I really understand and empathize with, especially in your paragraph about Beth. I often look at issues around race on tv the same way you do around gender.

Well, you have at least sold me on watching The Lookout. Just added it to my queue.

I was talking about Rawls on The Wire.

Laurel has been increasingly horrible since season one. But she started out horrible too. Maybe even from the first episode.

But why would anyone want to watch "an actual interesting examination of a brain trauma victim"… in the middle of Agents of Shield? Geez, buzzkill. And do you seriously find Fitz's current characterization offensive? Huh.

I would love a Matrix Supergirl, maybe more than a Kara. I think a Supergirl not actually related to the Man of Steel could work well.

Agree that writers needed to address Maggie's feelings about Beth earlier. But the rest of this post sounds like weird whining to me, and a lot of reading into things just so you can be pissed off.