Prom King

It is literally the one thing that actor has in his wheelhouse, series after series. Scared, frantic, twitchy, unreliable. But he does it well!

Chris was a great winner! He started strategizing from the get, secretly dominated his alliance pre-merge, and played a great strategic game post-merge without that alliance. He wouldn't have won without Twilla and Scout adopting him, but he made a lot of smart decisions.

I think I'm the only person who thought Alec did a great job at lying. It surprised me. Lots of eye contact.

Well how exactly has he treated everyone around him like shit? Provide examples. And not including strategies where he backstabs someone because, you know, that is the game of Survivor. The dude blindsided my favorite player (Jeremy) and he's as bland as a stick of margarine, but he's clearly not the monster you are

You have led me into some kind of wormhole with your link. Essays on hundreds of survivors! I am going to be spending hours and hours reading this over the next month.

Pre-merge, he appeared to have a lock on Natalie, Kelley, Julie, Missy (not that that worked out), and even Reed until he was reunited with Josh. People were running to him to give him information.

I agree that he's not a mean-spirited a-hole like Russell and Rob were. His personality is bland and inoffensive. The only similarity I see is that John's paranoia over his own lies causing him to go after the person who saw through his lie… reminded me of Russell's & Rob's paranoia over smart players (or in Russell's

The show's writers were that season's villains.

Jeremy set up what should have been a strong alliance and had people eating out of the palm of his hand in the first third or half of the season. And he won an immunity when he needed it. He did plenty. Just not enough.

Fiji had one of the worst. Alex the lawyer or whatever his name was… ridiculously bitter and melodramatic. Lisi was genuinely offensive. That jury was the lamest ever.
Besides Yao Man of course.

Completely agree about Lex & Brandon. Disliked them both intensely.
I need to rewatch that season, I remember loving it and being very satisfied by the winner. But now I'm nervous.

At least it isn't down to just Baylor. Sigh.

I love Jeremy but I hated that frickin comment. I hate that comment whenever it comes out, in whatever phrasing, and by whichever person. It's the only thing I hold against Jeremy!

I hope you are wrong. But that's a great analysis. Or prediction? Whatever.

Oh he's still bland.

Re. Caleb & Colton (but mainly Caleb. ugh Colton)… are you sure about that? I'm not remembering that and I usually remember irritating references to religion on Survivor. Coach trained me.

Wow, viewer blindside! I really thought Jeremy was going to win this season, with maybe Natalie as a dark horse.

Ugh, one of the worst final seasons of any show ever! The horror, the horror…

Morality, in a broad sense of the term, is the accumulation of a long series of ethical choices. In that respect, morality can be a luxury for some that others have no chance of ever having.

Would you describe Oliver Queen as a "complicated, interesting villain"