Prom King

Attempting to permanently imprison is not killing them off, and it's not messing with Plastique's head so she tries to kill either. The things that Wells has done, even in the service of trying to help Barry, are villainous. He's a villain with some shadings of good - a complicated, interesting villain.

I don't see how anyone besides Wells could be Prof Zoom. The protectiveness, the lack of compunction to kill, now the message to Iris' dad… I can see all of that connecting to killing Barry's mother to inspire some Flash heroism. Wells not being the Prof just doesn't make sense to me.

I don't remember Rip Hunter being a stone cold killer.

I think the comparisons to ugh Laurel still hold up. But I'm just happy about how much warmer and more personable the actress who plays Iris is. An annoying character but not an annoying actress, unlike ugh Laurel.

I really loved the revelation that the Flash lives in some crappy apartment, and could care less about it.

That's right, her. And now that I remember her more, I remember not particularly enjoying her. Well at least I have Francesca when I want to think of good things about that season.

She's a real thing, but I have the season wrong. She was in Samoa. And the person who got rid of her was Russell, not Rob. I mixed her up with another lady who challenged Rob's throne on RI.

You are making me reconsider my Eh feeling about Tina, and I just re-watched that season. Damn you! Because that is a really smart strategy to take given the context of it being only the second season, and after Hatch.

He is clearly as bored and as irritated as the audience. Audience surrogate!

Poor Yau Man! One of my favorite players. But unlike the rest of the world, I also liked Dreamz and thought he made the right decision (although his lying about it was hard to watch).

Tina, Keith, and the rice was pretty great, definitely.

And Jamie was a fun kind of nuts, as opposed to a Brandon kind of nuts.

I enjoyed Francesca. and Betsy the cop. And they sure lasted a while.

Kenny & Crystal were my two favorite parts of that season! So entertaining. And Bob makes three. All three were competent strategists. Sugar was an interesting wild card in that mix.

I agree with everything except - Jane was a villain? I don't think so. She was given the underdog edit. And I liked her, except when I didn't.

I think if you know what's going to happen and if you know how sleazy the winner is from the get, it makes it easier to watch. I hated it when it first aired. I re-watched it, God knows why, and it was actually fascinating the second time around. And Clay was hilarious.

I liked Jake and the cop, and enjoyed watching them handle the obnoxious guy who brought a skateboard as a luxury item. But Shi Ann really embraced being a victim, which annoyed me. And then she did it again on All-Stars.

I thought Australia was awesome pre-merge. Post-emerge, only the Jerri blindside was exciting. I thought everything else was pretty blah. Unlike the first time I watched it, I did not find Colby charismatic in the least the second time around. And Tina was a smart but not particularly interesting winner.

I love that Must Murder Everyone face. And also how he always looks like he's literally chewing on his own bile. I love Jeremy. He's the best part of the season!

There's no Spencer here for you this season!