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    Not since 2006…

    To be fair, Andy is an awesome professor.

    I literally stopped the episode there and have not watched since. It was so upsetting.

    Don't worry, it's made for me too! #ThereAreDozensOfUs #DOZENS

    Reverse poker face?

    To be fair, I don't think the show ever says he's on the spectrum. The reviewer is just assuming he is.

    I can't believe no one picked the Sidekick. With shameless plugs in both Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls, I wanted that phone more than anything (being stuck in Canada though meant I never got it).

    God, I just want to rewatch season 4 and remember the good times… Times when I recognized the lipsync songs…

    The Bubble.

    Isn't that how he says everything?

    I actually got a JoAnna Garcia Swisher vibe, but only in pre-zombie mode.

    Apparently Jamm's future will be in the Producer's Cut! As will be Shawna Mulwae-Tweep's, I hear.

    I really enjoyed it. Not as good as Once, of course, but it has charm to spare. I really think "Like A Fool" is a wonderful example of a natural/realistic movie musical moment. You believe it could have been written in a short period of time and yet it still packs quite the emotional punch.

    Anyone else feeling Rogelio as Sin Rostro?

    I've read it, seen the movie and still didn't get it. Probably because I didn't read any Horton Seuss books as a kid.

    …Elisabeth Moss?

    Thank you for saying "bone".

    The Cripple of Inishmaan. The clue also included that Daniel Radcliffe had starred in it and that it was a new play.

    I know multiple people who work on the show and somehow can never get a straight answer out of anyone. I doubt we'll ever know now.