
Given his age in the flashbacks, is Setrakian supposed to be like 90 years old?

You are a life saver, that was driving me crazy and that is exactly where I knew him from.

Side note, does anyone know the actor who played Marcus? I know I recognized him from somewhere but I'm having trouble finding his name anywhere.

Magnificent episode. Was going into all of this expecting a full hour of my favorite Carrie Coon but little did I know they'd send a dash of TOM FUCKING NOONAN my way as well. Hope he returns. Before this episode the Wayne stuff was honestly one of the few things holding me back from fully loving the show but I

Anyone else catch the moment where Big Jim was up on the gallows with the noose around his neck, then they cut to Barbie standing in front of the gallows with the noose hanging without Jim in there, then cut back to Jim in the noose again? Such care put into the making of this show.

This was probably the stupidest episode of television I've seen so far this year and boy did I love every second of it. I don't "hate-watch" many things but I'll never stop watching Dome and The Following.

That was Doug Jones as one of the nasty prison guards, right? Because that scene was pretty dumb and classic unnecessary vulgarity Sutter but I at least got a laugh out of Doug Jones being there.

Best line was when the pregnant teenage daughter pouts and asks her mom "Why didn't you just kill the President?"

The season is 12 episodes, not 10.