John McKenna

I tend to agree, and sometimes that emotion can come off as gullible or hammed up (Think Onion Gang and Garbanzo's "death")

Makes you think

Funny moment in how Peridot is trying to explain how the ship works and they all just brush her off, then blame her for not explaining how the ship works.

Like how she stopped herself right there, she's hiding something.

"the Gems don’t know they’re in a TV show"

There is a comic where he goes for a couple of days and accidentally destroys it with Gem stuff and whatnot. Funny.

I got a bit of a Beatles vibe for those three

Entirely possible

*in JK Simmons voice*

We get a little more towards solving the mystery of Lion with that scene as well. He may have been one of her pack.

That and her Future Vision sees the varying options, so there isn't much to question.

Probably didn't see fusion happen. There had been no knowledge that Steven could fuse with either of them before this.

Can they switch Jimmy Fallon with Sardonyx? Please?

I'm glad of this turn because it's a challenge to his worldview that kindness can cure anything. How will the character deal with such an uncomfortable and unfortunate truth? As well as grappling with the choices his mom made that go against what he believes in as well? Great lead in to Season 4.

And this season had a great flow to it. You had about 12 episodes or so of taking a breath and just having fun with the characters in their traditional environments, revisiting Beach City and its inhabitants, and then they phased in deep plot and story arcs over the end of Week 2, into Week 3, and the start of Week 4

Bismuth started the moral grey area thing really well and this continues it very well in regards to what Rose Quartz did in the Gem War. I like it when kids shows take on the challenge of presenting a moral grey area where good characters turn evil as causes go too far or take on the characteristics of the worst in

How is Earthlings not an A? Seriously.

Peridot wearing a bow tie is wonderful.

Pearl fanny pack is just more evidence that she's basically a 90s mom.

I think he still can because he is half-Gem and like can fuse with like (Gem-Gem, Human-Human with Gem as the lynchpin). At least that's my theory. He just couldn't do so with Pearl or the others aside from Connie due to his own insecurity about Fusion and lack of comfort with them as he has with Connie.