John McKenna

There is a link to Rose that has been confirmed. Conservatively he's a Beast of Burden, but maybe (and likely) something more. Possibly the other half of Rose's split post-birth.

Aint nobody got time for that.

She does like to regenerate quickly (unlike Pearl who takes days), and there is some hidden meaning to the white tank top and almost smaller stature she acquired for herself at the end. A good lead-in (hopefully) to tomorrow's episode.

I disagree, the fight scenes with Jasper had a really neat NES/Sega video game asthetic to them. I even muttered "Combo" when Jasper rolled over Amethyst multiple times. It was a neat touch.

I hope Jasper stays as the villain and gets soundly beaten by the Crystal Gems. Converting her into an ally would be too much of an escape hatch and the animosity towards her, and past with Lapis, makes her more unredeemable than Peridot, who was sort of just a quirky "just get this done and over with" character to

Jasper just ripped the Gems right off those two monsters. For this show, that's pretty freaking brutal.

They did know eventually, but the fact that they still went ahead and made Steven suggests that it was an after the fact realization.

There is also no way its just happened that she became pregnant, Gems don't reproduce that way, so it had to be a conscious endeavor on both sides, which is intriguing.

You might be right on that one…so the gap is a little larger then.

But he said that he started working at the car wash 15 years ago, and Steven is 14, so there is only about a years' difference.

Rose was well used here. I actually shortened my breathing a little bit for that beach scene because I was waiting for a big reveal that would lead us to something regarding the circumstances of Steven's birth and wanted to really pay attention.

Chill (and cool apathetically voiced) since the very beginning.

Greg has definitely grown up though in that he now runs the car wash (theoretically) as well as having to raise his half-Gem son. And its pretty easy to see why he needed to care for Steven for the first 10 years or so, Gems are busy, they can't be raising a small baby as well (even though it would make a great future

SS Misery is a good name for this boat, and for really anything involving Lapis' past.

Heavy again and really played up the abusive relationship aspect here well. She still kind of wants to go back, but when faced with the choice between Jasper and Steven, she did come around and gave Jasper what she deserved. It was a moment of closure we didnt get at Super Watermelon Island. Good for Lapis!

Second mention of a flash this season. Must be connected and I can't wait to see what the connection is.

Because of the white crayon?

If it weren't for the crayon interpretation that would have been a brutal scene to depict. The Diamonds basically waged biological warfare on Earth.

This was a surprisingly dark, foreboding episode if you look at it from a lore perspective. Somehow there was a massive explosion that corrupted a bunch of Gems and Centipeedle and her kind (maybe former Quartzes?), which might be a fate worse than death.

The dialogue was a little stiltoned for me.