John McKenna

We hate him because he's the ONLY character that Steven hates and we see it from his view. How much of a jagoff do you have to be in this universe for STEVEN to be the hateful one?

He's a well made villain for sure, which makes this episode a good thing to watch. But he has no redeeming characteristics unlike Ronaldo or Lars who are usually on the bottom of the fan totem pole.

I had a mood ring and snap bracelets, but no frosted tips.

Actually they said the car is a 1996 Supremo…so hah, MY decade!!!

Basically he is going to spend his money the way a normal adult does after the big Empire City splurge.

That astral plane ability of Steven's is really creepy, and this kind of showed it. A bit more so then if it was one of his Watermelon creations.

Mr. Greg was a feels parade and had just a beautiful ending. That was classic SU/Peridot adorkable comedy.

Not only that, she'd be keyboard mashing in AV Club Pining Hearts

But they've done that all the time though. We have rarely seen anybody in Beach City we haven't met yet or arent supposed to meet

Peridot on Tindr or Tumblr. Not sure which would be scarier.

Still waiting for a bad line read from Peridot. Rabara is just too good.

Both can be answered the same way.

Discovers r/CampPiningHearts

I'm waiting for the return to status quo, and its believable that they spent all $10M in one fell swoop.

Big question: Is all the money gone?

We learn how he came to the car wash, wonder where in the pre-Steven arc that part is

That was a good break from the upbeat music, and a great chance for Magno Hall to show off her vocal range, which is actually quite good.

Those are some complicated emotions

Most awkward family vacation ever. Its what Fusion Cuisine COULD have been if Pearl had to be Steven's mom for the evening.

Shelby Rabara provided the tap dancing for this, so Peridot was in the background.