John Cocktoasten

"Let's Be Capos"

A TV series from AOL? Do they send their content to people on DVDs in little cardboard junk mail envelopes?

The sound guy at the club has mics for each vocalist and instrument coming into their separate channels on the soundboard. Whoever made this video was able to mix down Courtney's microphone and the mic on her guitar amp alone.

DIRTY GRANDPA: You're gonna love Florida, kid! Next door to me is this great looking Oriental broad . . .
GRANDSON: Asian-Americans, Grandpa.
GRANDSON: No one uses the word "Orientals" anymore. It's better to say "Asian-Americans."
DIRTY GRANDPA: Well, which one was I shooting at in Korea?

Yeah, I see the appeal of newer video games, and you can certainly add me to the group that thinks that they're too hard to play. But I think that a lot of the older games are challenging as well, without being too complicated to understand and without requiring controllers that have 10 or more buttons.

I'm the exact opposite, most likely because I'm older (early 40s). I much prefer games that have crude graphics, more simplistic controls, and no sense of story whatsoever, beyond what I need to aim at or where I need to go. If I want plot, cinema-like graphics, and stories, I can watch a movie.

Wow, what did Hollywood do to this fuckin' guy? For all of the Dana Platos, Scotty Schwartzes, and Lindsay Lohans of the world, I would contend that this guy's mind is easily the most warped of any of the child actors of yore.

nowimnothing's perpetual motion machine is a joke. On this comment board, we obey the laws of thermodynamics!

Has Salon already published 10 articles about this "controversy?"

Completely agree. A truly remarkable film that says more about life than any traditionally scripted coming of age movie could ever hope to capture. I would have watched several more hours.

Meh, I'll stick with my recent purchase of Conway Twitty's nose hair, thank you very much.