
Oscar saying "Bitch" hit me really hard for some reason, so it was definitely a good addition.

I saw that Taylor Launter movie "Abduction" because the girl I had a crush on wanted to go see it with a group of friends.

Of course the Sixers drafted Ralph. It's all part of The Process.

I was just annoyed that the episode opened with the kids at camp, and Homer wasn't in better shape with 4 hairs.

Wow he stole funny jokes from funny people and STILL couldn't be entertaining

I'm surprised nobody talked about that Buick ad with Cam Newton. I was just confused by the rules of that world- is that child Cam Newton forever now? Are his parents going to have to raise Cam Newton forever now? Does he think like a child or Cam Newton? Is the "If that's a Buick then _________" a common magic power

This currently hurts.

So I am. I didn't notice the other comments when I first commented because of the all the Russian Nuclear attack comments, buddy.

Hate to be that guy, but Walter is performed by Peter Linz, not Matt Vogel. Interesting points in this review, I can't wait to see it tomorrow to form my own opinion!