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    I like that it was only 5 months, 4-5 years would feel too fantastical and unnecessary. The short amount of time also doesn't separate us from the Hannah we already knew. There's no reason to suddenly debut a new Hannah at the end of the series, or even a slightly different Hannah.

    She does.

    Except this was not the song they sampled. You can heard the original.

    So IF you remove the images it's a run of the mill video. But she ADDED those images, so it's not. That's the reality of it, not the fantasy of "lets change it and look now it has no merit".

    I respect your opinion, but in this specific thread you replied to me saying that it was not shocking that someone who has worked for Beyoncé would also praise Beyoncé. To that I listed other examples of respected musicians who have given Beyoncé praise for her musicianship. This was never me trying to convince you to

    Okay how about Barbra Streisand, Patti LaBelle or Stevie Wonder? Did they give hot girls careers because they were dating them?

    I guess it comes down to trusting who you're hearing it from. For example, Prince is a highly regarded musician who has worked with her for a live performance and said he was curious to put her musical knowledge to the test and was very pleasantly surprised. Is he just saying that? Maybe? But then is anyone just

    A lot of what you're saying depends on actual knowledge of the topic. You cannot say that Beyoncé's skat singing isn't good if you haven't heard it, for example. Bringing in an assumption to fit your agenda is biased reasoning, and as such is completely unfair. If you'd like to hear her skat sing, search Deja Vu at I

    Except Beyoncé is above 99.99% of the other popstars in talent. You don't seem to know much about Beyoncé's vocal skill if you don't think she's at all worthy. She is a highly capable singer, and has even scat-sung a la Ella Fitzgerald. Singing greats from Barbra Streisand to Patti LaBelle have sung her praises. She

    Granted, Beyoncé has for the most part kept her daughter out of the spotlight.

    There is actually lots to say about her making music (though I don't know what that matters as it's not a big topic for most musicians as well).

    B'Day and 4 are also masterpieces.

    I think they repeated Life on Mars for comic effect, and also to further highlight how small her talents are. We are not seeing it with the audience, we know what's going to happen and so we better understand the shame she feels.

    No, there is nothing wrong with a study like this, but there is a lot wrong with this study.

    Since when did feminism tell you how to dance?

    Why is this chart getting so much press? It's obviously highly flawed.

    I've always loved Sansa. I'm not sure why. Even when she was emo and annoying I liked her. I'm really glad her story is getting more interesting.

    Great job! I really enjoyed that!