Kevin King

I would like to nominate Jimmy Kimmel as the best late night interviewer in the States. Fallon is all surface talk, Colbert loses interest in his guests, Myers is too eager, and Cordan and Conan are too quick to joke rather than let the conversation settle and happen.

I love watching Serial on CBS when it was called 48 Hours.

"My Dadduh"

So will he now record a second a day of himself being fired?

Is there a lower grade than F?

Simple solution: Cast one of the Wedges from the Final Fantasy games.

Beyond Good and Evil and Lost in Shadow this weekend for me.

This superhero bubble will burst at some point. Right?

I like that ending too.

I agree with you to an extent. I have my issues with it, but overall, I thought it was quite good. Some of it could have been handled better at the end…particularly the Robin/Barney divorce. The solution would have been to introduce some of the major "future" plot points earlier rather than just one dump of all these

This is a solid ending, if predictable. The point of the original ending is to show that just because you meet and marry "The One" that it doesn't mean you get to be with them forever happily ever after. That there is life after losing the love of your life, and that the "love of your life" concept is probably foolish

It was a decent ending, one that stayed true to the themes of the show, if just rushed. They should have spread the story of the finale over two hours or more. Had the Robin/Barney divorce been spread over multiple episodes (or revealed to us earlier), I think people would have been more willing to accept it.

Am I the only one who likes this classy marketing move?

Annex Canada now, Obama! We need this valuable resource in the States.

He's a hypocrite if he keeps the money he earned from that show.

Assassins Creed III. They needed something of a tutorial since they modified the controls. Although, I'm not sure if that was supposed to be a tutorial or just a really boring opening 3 hours.

Rob Thomes, you're so smooth.

Ron Reyes has no values. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, No Val Ues. No values.

I too tend to lump all of Chick Lit together, and I apologize for not giving some authors in that market their due. What is a good Lipman book to start with for someone who is unfamiliar with her work?