
Does Guardians 2 use this trope? The first one didn't, and that's one thing I really liked about it- Gamora was an adult the whole way through

hey dude. your bit doesn't work. stop being so attached to your bit that doesn't work

The album is almost entirely synthesizers, so I wouldn't be surprised if Damon really did the majority of it. There are almost no organic instruments on this thing whatsoever. (It sounds much better than The Fall's iPad weirdness, though.)

I want to get fuckin high. I want to eat the sun.

The Situation is at his best in the first season, when no one cares who he is and he ends up being really bitter and alone most of the time. It kinda lost something when he became actually famous and his misplaced confidence became real.

For me, it's gotta be SpongeBob Squarepants. He's a normal guy with kind of a sad life- living alone, working a dead-end frycook job and consistently failing to get his driver's license. But his overwhelming optimism shines through in everything he does, and he works as the perfect viewpoint through which to view the

nah, it's Patton Oswalt

I hope this ends up working! The reason Squirrel Girl works so well is because Ryan North is a fantastic writer- under a less good one, I feel like the character could get cloying really easily. But I will definitely be down to watch her regardless! Love me some Squirrel Girl.

we say "coral"

Have you seen it again recently? As a time capsule it's phenomenal, but as an actual movie it falls flat in just about every way possible

In the post-credits scene from the first Deadpool, he mentions that Keira Knightley is going to play Cable in the sequel. So that's why they chose her.

Oh man, too bad that didn't work out, because Brad Pitt would be perfect Cable casting. When he does comedy he's really fantastic.

It's actually Space Jam. I'm as surprised as anyone.

Is that the Party Down spinoff we've all been waiting for?

There was supposed to be a scene where the Australians revealed they were indentured servants working for the mining company working to pay back their trip from Australia, to which Django would say that they were slaves just like he was. But then Tarantino realized he tried to put way too much movie in his movie, so

Justice for Brad. Justice for Brad's Wife.

Too bad she and the makeup people had to put in that much effort for that awful, awful Shud sketch

I love Waltz and he did fine in Django, but I'm not sure why he was even nominated for that Oscar. He was, for my money, the third-best supporting actor in that movie, and I think Samuel L. Jackson should've gotten the nod (and the win) instead. His performance was so nuanced and interesting and you couldn't take your

Scarlett Johansson is a great actress, and she can definitely be funny- she was fantastic in the funeral sketch. But in most everything else she was just, so bad. It was weird to see given how talented she is but the broad stuff just didn't work at all with her.

Jersey Shore was fantastic reality television. It was consistently beautiful trash. Maybe my platonic ideal for awful television. I will always stand up for that show