
Oh, for sure! I just wouldn't recommend Skeletal Lamping to someone who's just getting into them.

Lotta people not knowing who of Montreal are, which is a shame! Their album "Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer?" is fantastic, y'all should check it out

He would've been fantastic for the Blade Runner sequel, too.

I want to play a Black Mirror level and revel in the irony

To be fair, asking Christopher Walken not to sound like he's reading off a cue card live is kinda like asking a fish not to swim. And I love him

It's never people who are still into Twilight, mind you- just ones who were fans way back when and disavow it now. I wouldn't go THAT far

He seems to be a guy that just genuinely really likes to be in movies. Doesn't matter what the movie is, he just likes being in them.

"with incredible pride in our work and complete sadness that things end"? I know why the show got canceled- writers don't know how to write BOOM NAILED IT

No argument over Kristen Stewart being a better actor than Jennifer Lawrence! But the Hunger Games books are miles better than the Twilight ones, which means the movies have an actual story to be based on, which makes them better regardless. (And also, seriously, they're pretty good!)

One of the worst things about being 22 is that everyone I date came of age at just the right time to have gone through a Twilight phase. Seeing your girlfriend's bedroom decked out in Twilight posters is always an uncomfortable sight to see, and it's happened too many times for comfort. I don't judge them for it- it

At least the Hunger Games movies are, like, good movies, underneath it all. The love triangle is the worst part of them, but that's partly because it's not supposed to be important- for the whole of the first two movies it's just something Katniss coldly plays up so the audience likes her more.

God, you have to love Christopher Walken. He's perfect for movies like this. No matter how awful the movie and how terrible of an idea it was to sign onto it, he always walks away squeaky clean. I haven't seen it yet, but I know that when I do, I'm going to walk away disgusted by everyone else who agreed to be in it,

To be fair, Shrek 4 is much, much better than Shrek 3. That doesn't mean it's GOOD. But it's a solid improvement from the third one, which is the worst thing ever.

The video they made complaining about the negative comments they got is even more obnoxious. Mr. Plinkett should not be whining about bad comments. That's like, the opposite of what he should do.

Is Mila Kunis in it? Does she play her character from American Psycho 2?

His videos about Rogue One are even worse

Shrek and Shrek 2 are actually both pretty decent movies. I like them.

Are you seriously dissing the Phil Collins Tarzan soundtrack? What, are you too good for "Strangers Like Me"? Not willing to accept how awesome "Son of Man" is? Can you not recognize true artistry when you see it? Because the Phil Collins Tarzan soundtrack is classic, and unimpeachable, and you should love it as much

The one saving grace about this movie is that it isn't called "Boston Strong"

How dare you cite the feud between Rock "The Dwayne" Johnson and Vin Diesel as the one good moment from 2016. Those are the only two honest men in show business and now even they can't trust each other? What about family, huh? I thought the Fast and Furious crew was all about family? Are they going to let some petty