
How much of the movie is spent watching Fassbender tail another guy? For it to be game-accurate that needs to be, like, at least 75% of the movie.

The only way to do this movie right would be to not make it. At least, not yet. It hasn't been long enough to watch a crowd-pleasing drama made out of something so real and so tragic.

"Mystique in the comics has never really crossed paths with any members
of the Guardians team, and neither have any of the X-Men for that matter" - which is why Kitty Pryde became Star-Lord

I hope it's because everyone realized that The Get Down was better.

Honestly even that might be too much effort. Why can't we just have a Steven Seagal movie where you never clearly see his face?

I think Pusha T's "YUUGH!" might take the cake but it's definitely one of those two.

Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People is also a whole load more Homestar Runner content and, as a result, is really great too.

That last monologue reminded me of Craig Ferguson's Late Late Show at its best. That kind of raw, unfiltered, unrehearsed honesty isn't something you see too often in late night TV anymore, but it was exactly what that moment needed.

The worst thing is that Trunpo isn't complaining about the booing- he's complaining about the statement the cast made after the show was done, telling people not to boo, honestly thanking Pence for attending the performance, and sharing the hope that his administration will work for all of America, including the

you're confusing rapper Tyga and model Blac Chyna, although both of them have dated Kardashians (and each other), and why do i know any of this, for christ's sake

thanks for showing me max rebo's ass, always wanted to get a good lil peek at max rebo's naked ass

god, Stan Lee being Uatu the whole time would be a dream come true. i would LOVE that.

It's slowed down a ton but they still put out a couple toons a year

Watched this with a friend recently and we both could not get over the fact that a major character was named Windows. I don't know what's so funny about that, but the name Windows just cracks me up every time.

To be fair, everything about this project is completely in the spirit of the source material. The Tingleverse is a wacky place, dude.

A Chuck Tingle FMV Game is something I didn't even know I wanted until this very moment, and now I need the finished game to pound me in the butt RIGHT NOW. Truly, love is real for those who kiss.

these beats are dope

I mean, Drake announced an album! That, if not news, is at the very least pretty news-like.

To be fair, Adam McKay also had enough footage for two movies when he made the first Anchorman- "Wake Up, Ron Burgundy" is an entire movie made up of cut footage from the real movie. It's…. okay.

People are dismissing this because the prequels were garbage- and they totally were, don't get me wrong- but I for one would like to see McGregor's genuinely good performance be freed from those awful movies. He did a good job as Obi-Wan even despite the script and directing, and it'd be incredible to see what he