
could i get one of ben affleck without the batman suit. just a life size baffleck figure, not wearing the batman suit. or anything else. a nude, life-size, exquisitely detailed baffleck, to watch over me at night and keep the evil spirits away

i just want to see a sex bob-omb show. i don't need everyone from the scott pilgrim to show up, i just want to see sex bob-omb play. is that too much to ask

Hearing that description, you'd think nothing in the world could get me interested in this show. But they managed to find the one thing that would, because that dude is great

if only this website let me write in comic sans

Woah, comparing Bieber to Hitler. Real edgy, man. Nice edgy humor there.

Ugh. Call me when there's sharks.

I appreciate that the Now compilations exist, if only because they make for excellent time capsules. Since they came out so often in their heyday they really give you a survey of everything that was really popular at a moment in time, warts and all. It's kind of fascinating, and I hope it continues forever for that

"King of the World" is such a boring Weezer song, in a way that's really disappointing. "Thank God For Girls" was bad, but at least it was something new- this just kinda sounds like Make Believe. Doesn't speak well for the upcoming White Album, even if "Do You Wanna Get High" was pretty great.

The Room almost got me and my friend to write a musical adaptation, but we gave up on it before starting when we realized how closely we'd have to study The Room. (I was still down for it, but he chickened out.)

My high school friends and I started a band after seeing Scott Pilgrim vs. the World together (about a dozen times- it was an important movie to us, and if we were hanging out with someone who hadn't seen it they needed to be introduced.) We were terrible and never amounted to anything beyond touring the graduation

I was upset that Big Jon didn't have a run at GDQ this year- his runs in the last couple have always been the highlights for me. But it was a ton of fun regardless! My favorite was a Zelda: Oracle of Ages run unfortunately placed really late at night. It had the perfect mix of great gameplay (some of the RNG

Kanye's one of the best hip-hop producers of all time, dude. Don't try to front like he isn't.

Does it have a great soundtrack? Because if there's one thing that I can say about Drive, it's that it had a great soundtrack.

When I first saw commercials for this movie, I thought it was a hilarious, meta idea, making a fake sequel to a move that never existed. But it turns out, no, there was actually a Ride Along 1. It's just one of those movies that was just kind of there and I entirely forgot about. This looks like it's pretty much the

Nah, I think Red Album as Phantom Menace and Raditude as Attack of the Clones makes sense, in that Red Album was more shockingly bad but Raditude is definitely worse.

Man, I wish that was the worst Weezer song. But unfortunately, it's only the second-worst. Next to Where's My Sex.

I heard "Thank God For Girls" on the radio recently and it gave me a constant, mouth-agape sense of "what the hell is this" through its entire duration in a way only Weezer can. But their last album was good, and their other new song is good, so maybe it's just that one that's awful!

The question is, will this be enough for America to get excited about a movie based on one of the Narnia books that isn't actually that good?

Katamari Damacy is my favorite game of all time and I'm upset I didn't get a chance to play Noby Noby Boy, but it's really nice to see it reached its proper conclusion and that ending letter is heartwarming as hell. At least I can make sure not to miss Wattam when that comes out, though. I have no idea what it's even

Wait, there's a show with the Waitress and Rob Lowe and friggin' Fred Savage and I haven't already seen every episode twice? Jesus, what am I even doing with my life?