
This was delightful. I want every civics lesson to look and feel like this.

They made a Highlander II? But I thought there could be only one!

Zack, if you have a PS3 then you don't need to hunt for consoles to play the Metal Gear games- the Legacy Collection puts every one of them in one box, save V and Ground Zeroes. Even the original MSX Metal Gear games are there.

I haven't watched the show, but how does the UK deal with Garnet being- as I understand it- two lesbians standing on each other's shoulders wearing a large trenchcoat?

Add in 73 more characters and they'll have enough for a single tweet!

The Jet Set Radio games have the best game soundtrack of all time, and some of the only ones I can listen to as their own album separate from the game. Hideki Naganuma was onto something with that soundtrack's combination of hip-hop, big beat electronic, and a billion samples. It's some of the most fun music ever.

Making a place where people actually do kill themselves in massive numbers, in a country with a huge and unrecognized suicide problem, into a generic "ooh spooky" horror movie location and having Natalie Dormer hang out there doesn't sit well with me.

The episode where he takes Dennis to an orgy is kind of like that, and also amazing

Shouldn't we be using the Oscars to award movies that do new, interesting things? And what movie last year did newer or more interesting things in editing and production design than Unfriended? It took a never-done-before concept and made it into a really intriguing, gripping movie. I don't think an Oscar nod is so

Len, "Steal My Sunshine"

Any time I heard friends talking about it they just mentioned that it was a mess. I got the impression from the general internet that it was pretty terrible

Plus you get the sense that he really genuinely cares about her and wants to make her happy underneath it all, with no ulterior motives.

I hadn't heard anything positive about Big Hero Six, but I saw it recently and that was a pretty great little movie. I left really impressed. It had a lot of heart that plenty of superhero movies lack, and some really neat character and world design.

I don't know if it's possible to guess this based on my avatar, but I'd give everyone Undertale. It's a fantastic experience the likes of which I haven't had with any piece of media, video game or no, and I'd love for it to be experienced by just about everyone. Even if they're not great at video games they can

Oh, yeah, his show was terrible. I love Hannibal so much and he keeps doing such garbage things.

Honestly, I still kind of want to see it, only for Hannibal Buress. I have a love for that man that has caused me to watch worse things because he shows up in them.

Nice to see you mention Flywrench! That's a beautiful, precise game that hasn't gotten anywhere near the attention it deserves. It does "just one more try" better than any game I've played since VVVVVV.

"oh, this show has a subplot about a trial that i'm not getting, let me just do a google for 'famous trial' to help out" - you, apparently

I mean, how realistically could she have figured that out? If you don't get that it's supposed to be the OJ trial you don't get it, there's no way to really research that

The original broadcast is such a perfect "wait… what?" moment, an absurd little burst of comedy joy. It has so many little details- the band's matching sweaters, the fake snow, Tracy Morgan dancing the same robotic dance while looking entirely stone-faced, Chris Kattan playing the enviable instrument that is the