I actually think him leading them would make sense, If you notice, none of them have mouths. No way to communicate. Martin, someone who can give coherent orders to everyone, would make sense as a leader.
I actually think him leading them would make sense, If you notice, none of them have mouths. No way to communicate. Martin, someone who can give coherent orders to everyone, would make sense as a leader.
He wouldn't be correct, it's subjective. It's an opinion, there is no correct or incorrect :P
I think they were there to stop anyone from waking him up.
It's implied that they have spaceships. Martin asks Finn if him and Jake brought a "Star-skipper"
I don't know what /co/ is, care to explain?
I haven't seen the actual show yet, but the pilot was excellent. Captures childhood really well. Funny without being overtly obnoxious. Seems like it will have its sentimental moments as well, I'm looking forward to it at least. Not sure if it's for everyone.
The lich's wish made no new universe though, it just sent Finn and Jake back to their universe.
I didn't even think of that xD
That episode isn't canon.
It's implied that it's still there, that's why the flower sprouted from his stub rather than a new hand.
Ah yeah, saw you post this on reddit :)
I feel like someone took some of the best anime out their, mixed it with Adventure Time, and launched into space.
That ending was sooo strong, not even the amazing revelation that Finn's dad was alive, but his reaction to it. They have this great shot of Finn alone, in the center of the ocean staring off into the distance. At first he glares almost comatose into the distance, and then out of no where he snaps, and his face warps…
He's also fought a bear, not directly fought, but in "In your footsteps" a bear plays the main antagonist.
I love these reviews, but in this persons humble opinion, this was a great fucking episode.
Now to wait eagerly for the review of today's crazy freaking episode.
Anyone see the new episode, because fucking spoilers: DAD THE HUMAN.
I actually enjoyed this one a lot, not as much as the last one, but probably closer to a B or B+ even for me.
Late reply, I know.
The plan had been for Johanna to cut the tracker out of Katniss's arm while, Finnick protected Beetus(I think) while he rigged the tree and broke the forcefield himself. Katniss never had any part in the plan to destroy the forcefeild herself, but the plan failed, Beetus got attacked, almost died,…