

I got really distracted by the assertion that Caitriona outshone Sam in acting in season 1. I mean…she was in more scenes, sure, but he embodied his role (overcoming some bad writing in many cases) way more effectively than she did. Frankly (hehe), I thought he was a great actor in season 1, with season 2 making me

Like Ron gives a rat's ass about anyone but Ron ;)

That's why I usually comment directly in Disqus, especially if I want to make sure I am replying to a comment that was a reply to me. Anywho…. Happy Friday! Oh gawd, Another Episode is Coming :)

I think ones it gets to replies to replies to replies to replies (or maybe one more iteration down?), it gets really hard to tell because they are all aligned with the same indentation, but the order of the comments isn't indicative of to which comment a reply is replying, if that makes sense. I haven't had my coffee

I really don't think it is the moderator proactively doing anything- I think it is just the way the comments section works, fwiw

Honestly, I think AV Club just can't shift the replies over far enough so it is visually clear to which specific comment another comment is replying. It is a little easier directly in Disqus under the Notifications. You can read the comments in the physical order in which they are presented for only so long before

From what I hear about Ron's podcasts, they would make me vomit and/or punch things.

I'm willing to criticize both Diana and her work (especially the later books)

Great points- thank you! Exactly what I mean. The moments they toss into the show as a quick nod to what should be the main relationship just come out of nowhere and lack foundation.

I'm so glad that generally, the only commentary from Ron or Diana I encounter is what I see on critic-friendly pages, posted with a spoonful of mockery to help the medicine go down.

But even the tenderness feels hollow and fake when it just pops up randomly here and there, especially so late in the season when there was NOTHING emotionally or physically intimate about them up to this point in the season. They can't make up for the failure to portray their bonding with a scene or two.

Did Claire even deliver the pirate line in a humorous tone? Perhaps my jaded view is coloring my recollection, but I remember this line taking on the typical shrewishness. May have to rewatch a clip. Either way, it was just another cheap line.

Thanks! That means a lot to me.

Glad to see a reviewer noting the cartoonish portrayal of Sandringham.

I didn't realize I was speaking with the authority on the matter. My sincere apologies.

I'm worried that you would actually consider disliking a show to be traumatizing. I watch it for snarky breakfast fun.

For fuck's sake, it is "you're", pumpkin.

I liked Mary killing that mofo

Yep- I re-read the first few books every summer because she is quite excellent at crafting interesting characters who inhabit a vivid world in which, yes, sometimes there are far fetched plots but I don't mind as much.