
Oops! I did it again! The reply above your comment was supposed to go here! Guess I'm a "real loser," because I keep making the same mistakes!

I don't consider any of them "real losers!" I have a lot of empathy for Frank and Monica too. My mother came from a family with parents similar to Monica and Frank! We know Franks parents were worse than he and Monica on their worst day! Monica's family was probably similar. They came from the same kind of

Exactly! I don't know what kind of show some of these fans would write if they could, but I doubt it would be anything like Shameless. Maybe they'd prefer a sitcom where all the problems are resolved by the end of the episode! The only thing I'd change about the show is I'd have more scenes with the younger kids! I

Maybe for a while. But I predict before the series ends they will get back together!

They take a few steps forward and a few steps back—just like most people do in real life! Thet're all basically just kids! Anything you screw up before 30, people say "Oh, he/she's young1" Screw it up after 30 and they say, "Old enough to know better!"

I must have watched a different show than all of you!

I agree! I think it's the best love story ever written! It's NOT over! Ian needed to say those things and Mickey needed to hear them! They are young and have been through a lot! They both need to grow up some more and figure things out! If everything always worked out right away there would be nothing for the show to

Sammi doesn't really want to kill anybody! She just wants attention!


I give a shit about all of them! Nobody is perfect and if the Gallaghers were the show would be pretty boring!

Well, someone at least is closer to my point of view! I thought it was a great, but nerve wracking season and the final episode turned out to be almost exactly what I wanted it to be! I predict Gus and Fiona break uo! I hope Sean and Fiona re-evaluate before they try again. Lip and Helene will fizzle out soon. She

Maybe, but I don't think so! I LOVE the"Orange Boy colored glasses " though! Very cute!

Well now I think it was a little of both! God I love this show! Whether he meant to or not, I think Deb may have learned a valuable lesson from this! I hope he teaches Carl that you can be a tough guy and a South Side bad ass without being evil!

YES!! You are smarter than me! I knew something wasn't right, and it scared the shit out of me at first! Now I get it! Mickey Milkovich is still my hero! At first Ithought maybe he was teaching Debbie a lesson, but then I remembered he was the one that got her riled up about revenge when they were in the car. But when

Please see my reply to Herald. I have a new theory inspired by your conversation (and I rewatched the episode several times!

I'm thinking Scairp might be onto something here! Debbie really wanted to torture Sammi and maybe Mickey realized it would be too dangerous. And maybe he really isn't as blood thirsty as people seem to think. He couldn't kill Frank when he thought he had to because he was still terrified of his dad finding out he

I think it was her brother Iggy that took the money!

Every episode makes me laugh and cry, but this one also made me scream, squirm , cover my eyes, pray out loud, etc. It's amazing! There has never been a tv show that has affected me so much! Normally when I watch tv alone I don't even laugh out loud when something is really funny. This episode had me yelling at the

Thank you so much! I was just feeling very lonely. No one ever seems to think quite like me about anything! I think Shameless is the best show that's ever been on tv! I think it pretty realistically portrays a lot of the problems of poor people, gay people, people with mental illnesses, substance abuse and people who

I agree he probably doesn't respect Frank. That being said, I still think he has empathy for him. It has to be fun playing him, and hard work- lots of running involved. Good night! And thanks for the fun conversation! :)