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    Because people won't bother to clean them.

    I love my toaster oven! I hate to cook, and this makes it easy to heat something up that I don't want mushy from the microwave.

    Foodie-ism has sloppily slushed over into so much thinly-veiled classism, it nauseates me. People seem to think that their ability to consume certain foods, cook certain foods (afford certain foods and types of food) makes them morally superiour and somehow "better" than those eating convenience foods from a box. Let

    Why do these picky eater's only food choices always come in the form of junk food. Potato chips and french fries. It's never anything remotely healthful.

    His movies are crap, and he's a terrible person. I've never ever understood the appeal.

    Elmo is more annoying than an abrasive, itchy tag in an article of clothing. He should be cut away, like the tags.

    He's one of the funnier cast members at the moment, too. I enjoy SNL and watch every week, and he's never mentioned it on the show.

    I was listening to the radio this morning and the DJs were playing segments from 2001 when they were watching the planes hit the towers live. I had to turn it off so I didn't cry while I did my makeup.

    Awesome! Let's be friends!

    Oh! You got me there! You're great at this!

    I'm sure it was a real scream, hence why it was canned.

    This looked worse than terrible. It looks like some hipster's wet dream cartoon that somehow made it to television.

    More and more as I get older, I open my mouth, and my mother comes out!

    LOL! How funny! I think this couple will make awesome, cool parents!


    And why do they all ALL have that crooked side-smile smirk thing. WHY is that so irksome to me!?

    Paying too much to sit with people who won't STFU and put their damn phone away, stop talking to the screen, and kicking the back of my seat while I watch some shitty remake is not my idea of money well spent. Movies
    can go suck a bag of them.

    This is joke, right? Isn't that cartoon for children?

    "Big Bang Theory" So sick of that show. Soooo sick of that show.

    Oh me too. I'll take some mustard potato salad with some bbq, but for most everything else, it's German potato salad or GTFO. Warm, please.