Kevin Wilson

All because … you wanted to save a few pennies.

"It’s understandable that Boyle would want to celebrate with his Nine-Nine brethren after such a big case, but shouldn’t he also follow-up with Genevieve about the adoption? No? Alright."

And thinking it's common knowledge.

"Pedigree .. political comedy … worth seeing."
A.A. Dowd, The A.V. Club

I'm torn between "Bang Up Job, Internet," and "'Great' Job, Internet."

I wish I could like this comment twice.

It would have been slightly funnier had your name been Matt. Not your fault, though.

Well, obviously.

Ted Danson as Pornstache's dad would be awesome.

I would love a plot line next season where Gina and Boyle try to keep it secret while the precinct keeps making it more awkward … then a reveal that the two got drunk and passed out and their coworkers put them in Gina's bed, and they only think they hooked up.

You're wrong. Those characters were never popular.