
Correct me if I'm wrong: The idea that anorexic people have to be super-skinny is false. There can be overweight anorexic people, too.

Cosigned. There was supposed to be one on Syfy years ago, but it fell through.

Not to mention the fact that their new Watchlist is annoying as hell.

Yes, yes! I was forced to consider watching broadcast television, and it was a dark time.

And post-commercial break recaps that eat into time better spent watching people crouch in front of their ovens!

I told my dad that if any future boyfriends ask him for his blessing to marry me, that he should tell them, "No, because you really don't know my daughter if you think this is appropriate."

Look, this blacklisting was so epic it was retroactive. Clearly.

I will watch the hell out of her new show, and 2 Dope Queens is one of my favorite podcasts, so I'll be happy she can devote more time to it.

I've kept watching this show despite its terrible plot lines, but it hasn't truly been good since season 1 when T Bone Burnett worked on the music. There were stories back then that he quit, despite being married to Callie Khoury, because ABC wanted to focus more on the soapy nature of the show than the music. I would

It seemed to me that Raf was planning to take Mateo to Europe for a month every summer. Who knows what age he'll start doing that.

Same. Except we put a beta fish named John in ours.

This show recycles its own plots way too much. Olivia hates her dad because he's an unscrupulous fuck. She gets in a situation where she needs someone without scruples. She goes to her dad. He helps her. She hates her dad because he's an unscrupulous fuck. Olivia loves Fitz. They can't be together. They fool around.