
Omg no!! That's awesome! They're resorting to petitions to try and get an investigation going that Cosby obviously doesn't want! Hahaha! Where can I get my hands on that petition?!? I need to sign it!! I swear, he'd be soooo much better off if these people stopped trying to defend him! Decades of giving hundreds and

So true, in the beginning there were a lot of genuine fans. Now there's really only genuine women haters. And a couple of possible s3x offenders who were "wrongfully accused". One guy just a couple of days ago questioned if date rape actually exists and then gave me a hypothetical to ponder - if to people are having

Oh come on, tell him about the aliens!! Why are you holding back??

Hahaha! Who knew rape would be a hard thing to spin. Good job at referencing a car though Cosby, most of your supporters stop at bikes.

Glad to hear the mocking's happening in this country too! You should hear the stuff being said elsewhere, beans probably knows better than I, but that SM he sent to folks that told them they didn't see interruptions is pure gold!

Careful though, he may end up rationing his responses to you, he's had to put me on a schedule lol. If he does the same to you that means more time for sniffing, and surely the world could benefit from less of that. So govern yourself accordingly woman, you've been warned!

My guy just snorted oatmeal out of his nose when I read the sniffy parts by the way. It was gross. Not as gross as Craig because no fists were involved, but still, someone's gotta clean that oatmeal booger up. I'm blaming it on you. Six months of simply asking "are you cosbying now?" followed by the very recent "hey

Heeheee, man up you old queen. Hahahaha! I'm using that one the next time someone calls out for more toilet paper. Hahaha. Coffee with charlotte in the morning. You're becoming a ritual.

Did you just call me "pet"? Lol. Pretty sure you did!

Oh Craig. My heart goes out to you, it does! Big hugs for you!

Ugh. Ick. So I'm all for freedom and stuff but this Craig's guy thing with smelling panties and all the rest is a little much. I get that we have different sides, but when it comes to this kinda guy we should be united cuz creepy has no borders!

So you admit to wanting to do those things if the show was disrupted. It was. Twice. And you're super duper creepy. Gross. Oozing grossness.

In all fairness you're the guy talking about sniffing…. ugh,.. you're the guy talking about stuff I can't even say its so gross. I thought I saw your pic on America's Most Wanted. Shiny balding glasses man. Wouldn't that be funny if you were him? Seriously though, stop being so enthralled with women's underwear,

Ewe creepy yuck. "do you pet?". Picture that with the photo for him. Icky.

Interesting take!

Omg you're serious. Wow. He did say that!

Check out his posting history - he copies and pastes his comment on any Cosby page he can find, even those where he's the only poster. Rarely replies though, too busy scouring the net!

Well, to be fair, $20 mil is not that much for someone who has over $400 mil. Weird though that even after giving some places so much money they'd rather cut ties.

Well, it actually isn't nice to kick a man when he's down… rape a girl when she's down and out, that's okay!!

You gotta love the PR team that's doing everything it can to earn their big bucks - "wait! Someone didn't want to comment?!? Let's pretend he's a supporter and thank him!!"