
yes she was accused of having an affair with an education guy she was working with

I thought the show had lost me last week but like you I agree this episode was way better and much more nuanced and better written! So I'm back in!

This is by far the most intelligent recap I have seen on this show. I love your recaps Sonia. They are well thought out and you seem to have an insight into the characters that help me as a viewer understand their actions better. I'm relatively new to Scandal so I'm grateful for your synopsis and explanations, way

What show have YOU been watching? Everybody loves Mellie and HATES Fitz. Fitz has the MOST vitriol spewed at him on this site so not sure if you're being facetious! If I had a dollar for every time someone wrote, "I hate Fitz" or Fitz is the worst" (this from a show with every single character save David and Abby

I am not a regular on the post Scandal recap sites because usually I don't have time or don't really care about msm (hollywood) but after deciding last night that this show has hit the crapper for me (and I only started watching from Season 3, but binged the old seasons over Xmas) I figured I could go out with a bang