Dotar Sojat

And the episode in the first season when BDP attacked him with the staple gun during the party at Alison's house— one of my favorite episodes!

We watch it for the Sharks!

This! Thank you!

He who must not be named

His best episode was the Hendrix-centric episode in Season 1 when he faced off with Vic the Dick.

You know Krystal will be back—and we'll all find out that it really is about two cosmetics companies!

Season 2 was worth watching if only for the wtf moment when Mrs S jabbed the forks through her friend's hands at the dinner table— I think I screamed out loud when that happened!




I remember the pilot episode when the headless horseman pulled out the shotgun and I thought this is great they don't take themselves too seriously. Times change:(

The Grimm commenters are some of the nicest and I will truly miss them. You just don't see them being nasty like on some of the other boards.

Will blow "goodnight moon" out of the water!

Time Bandits!!!! I need to watch that—it's been years.


I love you Kumagoro!

Mick would fix everything!

Same here and I'm an archivist! Did you read Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell? The footnotes in that book were the best part!

Hey, the stick is the stick and you ARE thinking too much…….for Grimm anyway. But then again anything goes on this show. Holy cow! Now you've got me worried about the stick too!

Well now that we've said it out loud maybe it won't happen!!!! Please, please, please don't happen!