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    The reason they combine oxy and Tylenol is because the Tylenol limits the amount of drug you take - thereby hopefully preventing people from becoming addicted to the opioid component. The street value of these drugs is less than pure oxy, because drug addicts know they can't just do an unending amount of anything

    Call me crazy, but I think Kevin Smith is her endgame. That would be really, weirdly perfect.

    I know. But it's ridiculous. They're putting their faith in the media to do the right thing while also calling them the pederazzi. It is their responsibility as parents to take precautions. You teach your children to look both ways before they cross the street. Why? Because even though drivers should stop at red

    How about these celebs don't go on TV and talk about their kids? I've seen Kristen Bell on Ellen discuss her pregnancy and her daughter. Jennifer Garner, too. If you don't want your children to be a subject of interest, you should not make them a topic of discussion. The trouble with things like Twitter and

    Honestly, I think I might prefer Mark to Ann. I mean, I love Ann's friendship with Leslie and how absolutely in love Leslie is with Ann, but I think Mark had more of an ability to ground the show and make it seem less like a live-action cartoon.

    She's Michael Bluth.

    I want Kevin Smith to keep popping up every so often and for, in the last episode, Mindy to realize he is her happy ending. And I'm saying this as someone who has never really enjoyed a Kevin Smith movie. I just really find the idea of Mindy ending up with him after the parade of obscenely pretty men she's dated