
I also questioned why Daya was the "chosen one" to pick up Humphrey's gun. She wasn't really in this season or contributing any sort of commentary on what's going on with the prison, which is pretty typical Daya IMO. She's always kind of been in her own world dealing with baby-daddy drama and CO drama. Really, this

I'm probably in the minority on this, but I've never seen Suzanne's appeal as a viewer or as someone in prison. As a viewer, I never understood how she drastically changed gears from being an overly sexual, in-your-face, stalker to Piper in season 1, to having the mindset of a six year old, and getting a pass for

I completely agree. As someone who practices Judaism conservatively, I was thinking that throughout the whole ep. But I just went along with it for the hilarious scene :)

I thought she was trying to say Ashkenazi hahaha

I don't think Frankie and Sol sleeping together was a writer's way to bring conflict. I think it's extremely realistic given the way they've handled their breakup this season. Frankie wasn't really given any closure, she was just sort of forced to deal with the reality of her husband's sexuality, forced to leave her

The monologue Jane Fonda has when Grace does the self-therapy talk to her iPhone showed me just how fantastic of an actress she is. Going from the 'this is a ridiculous Frankie thing to do' attitude to giving in and talking about her relationship in a not so serious way to the realization of "Phil" (whoever he may be,