
I'm sure there's a sadder lyric somewhere in musical history, but I can't think of it now…
"A change in the weather is known to be extreme
But what’s the sense of changing horses in midstream?
I’m going out of my mind
With a pain that stops and starts
Like a corkscrew to my heart
Ever since we’ve been apart…"

If there's a better pure pop record than the Robyn S/T from the last ten years, I haven't heard it.

I might be the only person who loves all these albums, but:
Prince - Around The World In A Day
Iron Maiden - Live After Death
Tom Waits - Rain Dogs

Are we pretending that ALL rap wasn't homophobic as hell in the 80s? (And most of the 90s. And most of the 2000s. And some of this decade too.)

I preferred PE too, but they did their legacy no favors with a LOT of mediocre late-period albums, and of course Flavor Flav's ridiculous reality show career. I suspect most people under 30 would look at a vintage PE promo still and think, "Flavor Of Love!"

I normally despite this feature, but you know what? Wild Wild West IS a legitimately terrible song. And Will Smith deserves to be lambasted for all the reasons mentioned above.
This was also a dark era for rap, the heyday of Puffy's "wholesale" sampling. (Someone needs to do a HateSong for "Come With Me," AKA "Puff

You realize it was the Ataris who made this moronic change, right?
Don didn't nothing but collect the money.

I know you just pulled Rage out of thin air for an example… but terrible choice.
The original CD is one of the best sounding rock albums of the CD age.
The new "XX" remaster was loud, brick walled, and sounds like absolute s$@t.

Great article. To this day I still love the lone New Radicals album… It's easily one of the best pure pop albums of the last 20 years (along with Robyn's self-titled release).

I think you mean Betty Draper Francis and Glen Bishop.

The typo at the end of the review is kinda ruining the humor. (Much like the rest of this review.)

This episode deserves a B+ just for Comedy Central Standards & Practices apparently throwing up their hands and saying, "Do whatever the hell you want."

Great episode. Glad to see the grade reflected that.
Hopefully AMC decides on a third season. It would be a shame to see this show get cancelled right as it's turning a corner.
Oh, and my favorite music moment was The Clash's "Police On My Back." One of the band's best deep cuts (and an Eddy Grant cover to boot).

So…… The Fantasy remix featuring ODB on repeat for an hour?

Except the vinyl cover is identical to the CD cover…

Still think The Raven is his solo standout… But HcE isnt far behind.

Greatest rock bassist of all time? The only man I'd put ahead of him is Geddy and maybe Entwhistle.

Probably Geddy more than Cliff. (Though I love Cliff.)

Depending on your preference, yes. He set the standard for the next generation of bassists.

I love Nina Simone… And this is a great doc that could've focused even more on the music itself. (Although I understand the choices the director made…)
Her discography is a mess but if you want a good overview, the two-disc Anthology (with the B&W cover) is a good place to start as it licenses songs from all six (??)