
Both sides are equally crazy. Donald Trump wants to ban all Muslims from travelling to the USA and Bernie Sanders thinks rich people should pay a little bit more in taxes. What a nut.

If Comedy Central is dumb enough to cancel this I hope Adult Swim is smart enough to jump on it. Funny and weird show. Really awesome animation too. I really enjoyed the episode with the dolphins. The song was great and I've always wanted to deploy the dolphin penis.

Pretty good book. I could see how some ideas in the book would make for some great TV. Vic is pretty awesome and Manx is a good villain. I'll watch this.

Wasting Andy Daly? Half a star.

I know. Seriously. Everyone knows that Hollerin' Rufus carried those sketches.

Wow I love MadTV. So many great skits and reoccurring characters. Who will ever forget classic skits like Fartin' John Madden, Silly Asian Accent Man, Dancing Gay, The Singing Boot, and Screaming Horrible Woman. Remember that skit that was the take off of that one movie? I think we need a bigger boob indeed.

Wow lame. I don't need no writers when I'm watching some lame movie and cracking wise. It's like the other day I was watching Aliens and you know that part where the little alien head comes out of the big alien's mouth I was all like "how about a breathmint ya jerk" and my uncle could not stop laughing.

Snoop Dogg's Dothraki album was way better.

That was the new club that formed after the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz fanclub stopped taking new members.

Google "Two Scientists, One Cup." NSFW

Once David Bowie plays you in a movie you have arrived.

You know those yanks. Always with their bases of ball. No time to learn of men of science. Ghastly sport that. Now cricket, there is a gentleman's sport! Fit enough to play for the Queen. *adjusts monocle*

If Tesla wanted to be remembered by Americans he should have killed an elephant and starred in a sex tape like Einstein and Edison did.

Far from it, Dude.

Existentialism! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.

For my gift giving this year I simply made contributions to the Kickstarter in all my family member's names.

Foreign Object is one of my favorite songs. I love the whole wrestling album but that song is way great.

The best movie would portray Tommy as an insane puppet master who uses his mad genius to create a masterpiece. The final scene should be a Usual Suspects style slow reveal that ends with Tommy striding out of laughing theater and collecting a briefcase full of money as he jumps into his waiting limo.

No TV star is cooler and funnier than Danny DeVito. He is a legendary TV and movie star. He wants for nothing. He could be on some bland CBS or ABC comedy crap for big bucks. Instead he chooses to act like a berserk filthy mental patient for laughs on basic cable because he loves it.

1) The Nightman Cometh
2) The D.E.N.N.I.S. System
3) Charlie Work
4) The Gang Desperately Tries to Win an Award
5) The Gang Solves The Gas Crisis