
He is the Wandering Jew.

I agree Will. To say TPM was on the same level visually as Prometheus is crazy. Lucas continually proves to me he is great with ideas but horrible with actors.

The correct answer for Eric Johnson is always Cliffs of Dover.

Hallowed be Thy Name is the greatest Maiden song there is.

Love both solos in that song and really like his solo on Killer Of Giants.

Skolnick's solo on Souls of Black is my favorite of his.

Hold The Line solo by Steve Luthaker who also killed it on the outro solo of Talk to Ya Later by the Tubes. The Oracle on 2112 has Lifeson's favorite solo for me.

Totally a had to be there moment. Eddie did things no one had ever heard on record. Other guys dabbled in tapping but Eddie made it his own. I didn't include it because I was avoiding instrumentals. If I start including instrumentals it becomes even more difficult to name a favorite.

My pick would still be Just What I Needed. Easton was underrated.

Definitely the best metal solo.

Marty's solo on Tornado of Souls is my favorite metal solo ever.

I think your characterization of the left is incorrect.I think the right only seems to get fired up about rights when they can lay the blame at a lefty's feet. The right has willingly ignored homophobic, misogynistic and racist things said by Trump, but this is the time they want to take a stand for human rights. I

Just to clarify if you would like a private conversation without interruptions maybe don't do it on AV Club.

I know you are but what am I? Thanks again for proving my point.

You're just to dumb to know when to be offended. I'll tell you when. Signed, Straight White Guy

Let the hate flow through you.

Great way to handle a reasonable question about your claims. Well done.

It implies that Trump is only concerned with pleasing Putin.

If it doesn't have a drive-thru it ain't fast food.
