
They can't do away with both Eliot and Lincoln!

I hope down the line we get a very special episode of Men of Broad City where all the guys convene to the pool but Ilana and Abbi stand them up and they have to make their own fun. We already know that Eliot has something to chat about with Trey and Lincoln could finally try out that bi side Ilana is pushing him into…

I don't know if it's great casting or the way they're shot but I always swoon when I see Eliot or Lincoln. Why are the men on Broad City so nerdy-hot?

I was surprised when Damici didn't appear during the episode. I hope he will down the line but Angel made up for it. Talk about making an entrance!

Bitter Moon is when I seriously started to dislike Polanski, maybe because I was reading his autobiography at the same time.

Holy shitballs, this is glorious!

I don't care about the quality of the finished product (abysmal to be sure): those ass shots were the best thing from AHH 2 so I'd be up for more of that.

The super shallow depth of field signifier they used for the small scale insect riding sure will get visually boring fast if they have it during the whole movie. I wish they had found another way to present scale.

You'd give up on Bomer sex? You are a better person than most of humanity I guess. And Dell doesn't know what's happened to his rentboy so he's still hoping for more of that strange…

So what could you make out of the season's promo at the end? Some freak hunters hired by a socialite infiltrate the carnival and start to collect/embalm some of the attractions? Slow mama's boy comes into contact with Killer Klown and becomes a serial killer himself? I hope they try to come up with something other

Thanks alanna! It's been sitting on my netflix forever. But rather than simply wanting to oggle M. Wright's dangly bits, I think it's the combination of 'weirdness+extreme beard+tightiy whities' that were doing it for me.
Even the original Linder from Bron who went all dangly himself did not posess the same uh, … pull

Nooooo! They cannot kill off Linder without showing him in his tighty withies again! It was the best scene of the first season and I was so hoping for a repeat…

It's not a put-down, it's actually a compliment : when was the last time you remember seeing on TV an adolescent male hero who wasn't buffed and tanned within an inch of his life (re. Dylan or Tigerbeat McPot)? The pressure must be high to conform, be it on the actor or the showrunners.

That's why I think that Norman couldn't have done that much damage to his father's noggin' even when armed with a blender.

I like my Norma teetering on the verge of perverse so I don't know if she was that blind when she walked into Ford's embrace (she looked to me as though she understood perfectly how Councilman Dick got his accident, even if she tried to project innocence at that moment).

As I don't know why Norma had to take that extensive shower after discovering Norman's dad, I like to think that she administered the coup de grace to finish him off. So yeah, Norman assaulted his father but did not kill him in my mind.

I like the drug empire stuff because in this episode it gave us :
- Emma treating it as one of the local specialties that's just a part of good ol' scenic Pine White Bay. She offers tours basically.
- Norma being proud of her son the drug dealer/cartel enforcer because he had an actual office (which looks like a

Yeah I think this was one of Murphy's "this one's for you" to the Slate writers. Like he did with AfterEllen on Glee (only more pissy because lesbians).

I liked hearing French on the show, but thought it was too bad they couldn't get a real French person to sing it, not someone mimicking an accent. Bonus point for making the proper liaison after "appris" but it gets taken back for forgetting "des" in front of "cigarettes".