
I can't believe he was only 74… he looked 80 in 2008

Don't say that

It looks like they're trying the stick and stick approach with Loras as opposed to the carrot and stick with Margery, so it's unsurprising that he is in worse shape.

"I like the water"

If I was black I wouldn't get within a mile of those yahoos

East side is much hipper than anything west of South Congress area. You run into the hill country where all the tech millionaires are pretty quick. East side gentrification was well underway when I lived there in 2010 and has progressed VERY rapidly since, mainly along Manor and south of 12th to the river. You

It's incredible that we're all so awed by Isaac's ascendancy at like 34, when Jennifer Lawrence is turning 25 tomorrow and has been going for like 8 years already. Can anyone name three male A-listers under 30? 1. Miles Teller, 2…….? Hollywood needs more roles for sexy teen boys dammit!

Oscar Isaac IS the hot streak. No one has had a better 3 years, not even Pratt.

I assure you that Operation Petticoat was 100% true to life

So hot right now

If Vince had Marty Hart in bed with him shooting him exasperated looks instead of his Very Sad wife the lines might have landed better.

I just got rid of my 2005 iPod, for years it had been discharging its battery when not in use. Every time I started my car, it would charge for about five minutes and then automatically start blaring A.T.H.F. by Danger Doom

Haha Jon signed Shireen's death warrant by refusing to fuck Melisandre

She's basically Rasputin- is it impossible that the reason she got Stannis' attention was by healing Shireen?

Technically we never see Ramsay burn the camp. I wouldn't put it past Mel to give Stannis a little nudge in the daughter burning department

*stannis nodding gif*

If all wars were fought with smoke monsters the world would be a better place

I was hoping we would get a week break from Jon & Friends so I could imagine Wun Wun out in the Shivering Sea, still walking, until he happens upon a boy in a boat

Andy Greenwald as usual. Love the guy but he's a sap

Not like anyone wouldn't have been tripped up and intimidated by trying to keep up with a professional comedian who's kind of there to out you as a huge JAG