
I'm just disappointed that she didn't actually die. Her character is insufferable. I don't care about her future as Catwoman & all that. Right now she's just an annoying little street brat, who gets way too much screen time.

Honestly, I'd fast-forward through most of the Selina scenes if I could. Her character is the most annoying thing about the whole show. I almost wish she had actually died.

Honestly, I didn't care much for the scene with grown up Diana and Kelly. I though they were basically campy teenage wannabees. And I found that whole 20 years later thing to be a rather sore spot for me. I was really disappointed that we never got to see Monroe and Rosalee's triplets and could honestly care less

God no, anything but that! Well, except for a proposal or wedding which would be equally awful. In all honesty, I don't really see Nick & Adalind living happily ever after as an appropriate ending for the series. I'd rather see something bittersweet that reminds us of the sacrifices Nick has to make as a Grimm, but

Exactly, that's how he was able to contact Eve though the portal in the mirror.

That doesn't necessarily rule out a possible resurrection of the Grimm on another platform. He's been cast in a pilot which could very well fail to get greenlit for full production. Just because he's cast in a pilot doesn't mean the show will succeed.

Technically speaking, Juliette/Eve never tried to kill Kelly in the first place she simply helped lure her into a trap. She was merely an accomplice at best who supposedly helped in getting Kelly killed. Also, I don't think Juliette ever had any intention of killing Kelly she just couldn't control her emotions &

Amen to that bit of lack of chemistry between Nick and Adalind! I've never seen the supposed chemistry between them either, aside from when they were enemies. Have you ever noticed how infrequently Nick actually makes eye-contact with Adalind during their scenes together. Many times, instead of looking at her, his

Her death did happen off-screen without a full-body ever being shown, which in tvland means her death technically hasn't been confirmed. Plus maybe she had reasons for disappearing again, in order to protect Nick from some unknown evil. She did work with Meisner & the resistance in the past and instructed him to lie

It seems like we know little about Nick's past in general. Nick wasn't really given much of a backstory beyond his parents deaths & him living with his aunt & moving frequently.

That would be so fitting if Nick & Trubel were finally revealed to be half siblings! Makes me wonder if they'll possibly bring Mamma Kelly back for the finale as well. I still carry a rather strong suspicion that she's not actually dead.

That was my thought as well. The whole explanation of why he ate the babies didn't make a lick of sense.

I'm also holding out the hope that it didn't completely cure her hexenbiest powers as I really enjoyed seeing Eve wreck havoc on the BC. But on the other hand, I would really like to see the show adequately address Juliette's transformation and her subsequent actions. Also it would be nice to see Nick's reaction to

If you think about it, Nick and Adalind's relationship has basically been one-sided from the start. She basically demanded the he sleep in the same bed as her, when he had made it clear that he wished to have his space. A lot of their relationship has been Adalind manipulating Nick into being romantically involved

Personally, I'd take the pair of em any day over all this Nick and Adalind nonsense. Or better yet, how about not forcing the protagonist into any more awkward romances for awhile.

I believe that David Guintoli has hinted about there being a love-triangle developing between them with Eve somehow in the middle. Though I somewhat suspect he may have been joking!

I would actually be surprised if there was any serious trouble for Monrosalee this season as they had their plot last season with the wesenreign.

Yeah, that was one of my many frustrations with the way this whole Nick and Adalind hexencrap plot has been unfolding. A big part of Juliette's motivations for going on an angry rampage was the fact that Nick refused to acknowledge his true feelings about her becoming a hexenbiest.

If you recall, there was a scene a couple weeks ago where Nick or somebody asked Meisner if he knew Diana's whereabouts and Meisner replied that she was supposed to be hidden in some safe house. So obviously, the BC managed to infiltrate that safe house and got ahold of Diana. Afterall, they did take down the entire

Pretty much, they've been alluding to such for a number of episodes now. At this point, I'd say it's pretty much inevitable that Adalind will betray Nick to get Diana back. The bigger question is when and how?