
I completely agree, and speaking of history, whenever I try to jump on board the Hayley train, I keep bumping into her history on TVD, which the show hasn't addressed. I mean, she orchestrated the slaughter of an entire pack of hybrids. Surely someone in all these gathering werewolf packs is going to know about

I feel like the A+ in Ethics was a joke the hacker made when she was creating his fake transcript.

AV Club is leaving it out of the reviews, but I certainly think the show is aware of it. I loved it when Marcel called out the Originals for living in the plantation house (because no matter what Ani DiFranco says, that shit is not ok). And I got the feeling that both Klaus and Elijah were given relationships with

I agree. Klaus keeps harping on about Marcel's "community of vampires," and in the flash backs, it doesn't seem like he has an equivalent posse of loyalists. The retcon worked for me because it finally provided a plausible reason why Klaus and co would be so hung up on staying in New Orleans. I never bought the

Poor Finn has been daggered for like 900 years. When the five hunters first caught up with the Originals, they daggered all of them and when Klaus woke up (because the daggers don't work on him) he undaggered everyone but Finn, either because Finn was a 'dullard' (Klaus's excuse) or because Klaus was tired of him

I had the same thought. I guess they are going with the whole 'Ripper' idea though, and Stefan couldn't have just a glass of human blood without going all crazy.

To be fair, Elijah also had to save Hayley's boyfriend from the burning house. Although I have a feeling that if she had said "my betrothed is still inside" instead of "my friend is still inside," Elijah might have thought twice.

I'm still on the fence about Cami. I liked her "I want to be on the winning side" speech, always nice to see a human standing up for themselves. But some of her scenes seem really awkward and forced, like when she barges in on the conversation between Klaus, Marcel and her uncle outside the church. When I

"Klaus put me through hell in New Orleans." Um….I'm sorry Tyler but all Klaus did was smack you around a bit after you TRIED TO MURDER A PREGNANT WOMAN. Forgive me if I don't join your pity party.

I totally agree. The Vampire Diaries lost a lot of emotional weight with me when they brought back both Jeremy and Bonny after making us sit through all that grieving and Bonny's horribly self-indulgent funeral. If Davina stays dead then her character was tragic and awesome. If she comes back, I can't imagine