Bobby S

This is the corporate one-world government Apatow supports.

Walking Dead fans are not going to stick around for the long run with boring characters you do not care about turning into zombies. Fear the Walking Dead is more like teen angst TV drama Dawson's Creek from over a decade ago. This show better get some interesting characters in it for Season 2 if it wants Season 3.

You just know that Manos will be remade with a slightly bigger budget from all the publicity it is getting again.

I was hoping for Ewan as Obi-Wan Kenobi with Yoda in an intergalactic road trip comedy.

How about an online live version of MST3K? Or was that done already with Crow T. Robot's sex cam?

Saturday Night Live such a Ghost of Christmas Past in comedy that I really don't see what the big deal is anymore in recapping an episode most people will forget a day later. Mike Myers comes out of semi-retirement to do Dr. Evil again with a plastic cat - ha, ha, ha! SNL looks like a late-night comedy show on a