
Indeed. Both in film and in music (rock music in particular).

My personal preference for "The Godfather" prevents me from finding any movie, ever made, anywhere, better than that. But, yes, indeed, a very serious argument could be made for "Taxi Driver". What a fucking masterpiece.

That's actually the reason they use in the EU. The Emperor was very prejudicial against other species and implemented a human-centric regime in the Empire, which is why you only see humans in high-ranking positions in the Empire.

*nerd hour commencing* Clone troopers were designed to have a very short life span, and the Empire apparently thought it was easier to just recruit and train regular folks than to breed human beings artificially to serve as an army. A downside was that, compared to the Clone Troops, the best, most well-trained

It's the "Heath Ledger does the best Joker voice" Foundation.

But apparently he wears a helmet or mask in this, which means we won't get to see enough of Forest Whitaker's Eye as we are constitutionally entitled to.

The rest of the world seems to beg to differ.

True. On a purely political spectrum, Franco's regime was very must a fascist State. However, I think people tend to look at Fascism not so much as a political / economical ideology, but also as a social one. Mainly, all the racial aspects, Nationalism being stretched to the idea of a "master race" and, above all, the

Again, I'm aware of Dalton Trumbo, a genius screenwriter who wrote a masterpiece in "Spartacus" and was not permitted to recieve an Oscar he rightfully earned because of idiotic political paranoia promoted by an opportunistic hack like Joe McCarthy. And I've also read '1984', a very poignant political book and a very

I honestly wonder why is it so hard for people to understand that CinemaSins is not attempting, in any way, shape or form, to actually offer a criticism of the movie, and that the videos are simply jokes and running gags that only very occasionally point out legitimate flaws with the films in question.

Franco wasn't really a fascist, or at least his government was. Definately on the right-wing side of totalitarian, but I always read his and Salazar's government in Portugal being characterized as quasi-fascists, not actually fascists.

"Arby's: This really wasn't the food you were looking for".

The "L" stands for Motherfucker.

Of course. Why else did you think it was funny?

I know who Stalin is. I'm wondering what he has to do with not letting screenwriters work for a living.

By taking what is universally regarded as a paranoid and stupid overreaction, and was even denounced at the time as a paranoid and stupid overreaction, perpetrated by a man who was not a commie-fighting patriot so much as a blatant opportunist tryng to advance his career, and calling it as just that? How is stating

They've tried to turn her origins into a generic "secret society of trained assassins" thing, but I think they kind of dropped a ball.
IMO, post-Soviet Russian Spetznaz can be just as "cool" as the KGB.

Hey, film no. VI was "Rocky Balboa" (2006) and that movie was actually pretty decent (and I use that as a sincere compliment, not belittling it in any way) and more-than-a-bit heart-warming.
I don't know if you mis-typed it or not, but I'm just putting this out there.
But, on general, I agree, if you take out III-IV-V,

I'm reaching 20 years old this year (so, to put it in perspective, I already drive and have a job), and I only remeber 9/11 from some slight flashes I have of annoying "BREAKING NEWS" interrupting my morning cartoons and not having the faintest idea of what the fuck was going on.
I was 4 years old at the time it

Khrushchev wasn't authoritarian when compared to Stalin, but, then again, Satan himself would seem like a girl scout if compared to ol' Uncle Joe.
But the dude was still a top brass Soviet General, and a member of Stalin's inner circle, who managed to keep his head above his shoulders.
You don't manage to do all of that