
You haven't been hanging out at the AV Club. The Luke & Manny hatred has been alive for years.

A friend and I used to watch the last couple seasons of Everybody Loves Raymond and yell at the screen, "GET A FUCKING DIVORCE!" We'd go hoarse screaming it at this show.

I was going to say that I thought Teddy was the best part of the show! But Gene was on his A game also. But I like when the show lets us into the lives of the secondary characters and want more of it.

Depends on how she says her name, right?

No, I think he's gotten plugs. You can see too much of his scalp through his hair for a rug to be convincing.

I too thought it was weird to see the meanness in the death ray jokes. Those are the types of things they pull off in the Treehouse of Horror episodes, so they usually feel out of place outside those episodes.

NOOOO!! Don't bring on Jon Hamm with the delicious thought of him finally shooting Betty only to have him shot instead LEAVING THAT HORRIBLE ACTRESS ON THIS SHOW!! It's not fair!!!!

Did bitch have an S under her jacket? Didn't think so!

She was very Bianca. She just wasn't very funny. An unfunny Bianca is not really a good Snatch Game (see Roxxxy's Alaska).

It's costumes and party shit. It ain't all that. Which is why it was an insult!

I read that and all I got out of it was, "Okay, Producers told you to shut up about Alyssa coming back, which you KNEW was going to happen, and then they asked you point blank why you sent Alyssa home and THAT'S THE BITCHY RESPONSE YOU CAME UP WITH?"

Or magic?

You do understand that editors CAN'T actually put words into your mouth right? They don't control your voicebox. You say what you say and they have to work with that. THAT they can manipulate - to a degree - but to actually say that editors can put words into your mouth? That's shows a ridiculous belief in the magical.

So when she's saying something in a bitchy tone, then it's just editing? When she petulantly talks about "not begging", is that a product of editing? When she hugs everyone but one person, it's also editing? I said early on that it looked like the editors were having themselves a good time editing everything Phi Phi

The prank phone call one was a bit lame.

An A? REALLY? This show did so many things that I HAAAAAATE in reality competitions:

I thought of this. My problem is Chidi, who obviously doesn't need to learn to be good. Maybe he's the guy brought in to make everyone else good?

They are all speaking in Eleanor's accent - except for you-know-who - so they are probably all pronouncing it as she would say it.

Now? He's been on TV regularly since that show.