
Trump jokes are meant to be more of a salve than humorous. We have to get through this national nightmare SOMEHOW!

Stop using words that properly define other words you are using!!

That's exactly what I remember from every episode of The Twilight Zone I ever watched! Remember that one where Billy Mumy made all the people go up and down in the elevator? Or the one where William Shatner kept seeing an elevator go up and down outside his airplane window? Or the one where the kids got a new robotic

Are you not STILL in your childhood? ToT has only been operating since 2004 and BttF went away in 2007!

It's so not based on a real hotel. And the one in Florida is better anyhow.

Actually, no. The Twilight Zone is a CBS property, not MGM. When they wanted to build a drop ride they had several ideas. This was the only one with a recognizable name, so they licensed it from CBS.

Like I said before, not ALL Marvel is off the board in Florida. GotG could be planted anywhere, if they wanted to spend the money.

When we finally got my youngest nephew on it, right after he was strapped in I leaned over, "I can't WAIT until the part when it goes upside-down and we are surrounded by ghosts!!!" Both of which he was terrified of! Of course, everyone told him I was lying and he was so annoyed at me he forgot to be scared.

They can't use the Marvel properties that Universal is using, which is The Avengers, The Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and The X-Men. Universal can't add new characters so Guardians of the Galaxy (and Ant-Man and Deadpool) can only be used by Disney in Florida.

To be fair, Sarah is the one pulling most of the weight here. Sarah is doing this for ALL the clones, especially Cosima whose survival most likely depends on what Sarah discovers. Meanwhile it seems Alison is always complaining about how her life is more important than whatever Sarah needs from her. Yes, Sarah could

Yes, but it's all about the airtime. You're only wearing a seatbelt so it goes up and then immediately back down and your ass isn't anywhere near the seat. Story aside, it's one of my Top Ten rides. The one in Florida is even better as it has two shafts. You go up the first and then the elevator LEAVES that shaft and

Hey, is AVC some sort of hyper-specific jargon abbreviation I'm unfamiliar with?

As is, the setup room does a decent job, but then you're in another queue, then the middle room on the elevator is basically a repeat of the setup, and then you're at the top and there's lightning and you drop and then you see the Twilight Zone doo-doo-doo-doo video. Which is like going straight to the title sequence

Said by someone who's apparently never seen Dana Carvey on a talk show. Every time I see him my PTSD flares up FROM WHEN I SAW HIM ON TALK SHOWS. Can we have Martin Short instead?

Semi-weekly Vanessa Bayer rant commencing:

Peter O'Toole is the best porn actor EVER!

Please, this is HBO. They're probably developing "Bums & Hookers" right now as the next "True Blood". Chris Meloni will be the lead bum and several of the hookers will be played by former child stars.

Deservedly so!

It's fairly hilarious that they spent so much time and money on creating this pre-show sequence, even getting a huge orchestra for the music, yet the documentary on its creation uses what is apparently the worst song in history!

My biggest problem is that the Twilight Zone story isn't actually a story. It's all setup. You see Rod Serling "talk" about previous hotel guests who disappeared during a thunderstorm, then you get on the elevator, you see the previous hotel guests who all… something… into the Twilight Zone, and then you go up and