
As both a former girl guide and boy scout (they're co-ed where I live) the idea that there was a mole in the group was COMPLETELY plausible to me, it didn't even occur to me that it might not be to others. Once as a kid my best friend and I sold 400 boxes of cookies in a single Fall. That shit is competitive.

Far less convincing evidence, but I was pretty sure that that was where the show was taking Malvo's character as he was killing the cop guarding Mr Wrench. As he strangled him the lights flickered, which made no sense unless he was some sort of force of nature or what not. If so, I'm pretty impressed.

my grandmother recently mentioned Jack Frost to me incredibly angrily, I guess it came out right after my grandfather had passed away, and even just talking about how sad it was to her that a dead person got to come back as a snowman to say one last goodbye brought her to tears talking about it all those years later.

"What are the chances there will be another person in their criminal organization who is as fluent in American Sign Language as Mr. Numbers" got me surprisingly emotional, what a sad thought.

Briefly I was upset that Zeke was complaining at all about raw beef, that seemed pretty out of character, I was glad they didn't disappoint.