
You shut your mouth! "Little Earthquakes" is brilliant from start to finish.

It bothers me to no end though that people confuse the spoken word bits in Lemonade as having been written by Beyonce, when in fact they were written by Warsan Shire.

wasn't the Dawn of the dead remake released before 28 Days Later? I honestly can't remember. I will say 28 Days Later is about as perfect as a movie can be, IMO.

I really, really loved a sketch he was in on SnL with Maya Rudolph​. "Shia! I baked you this cereal" is a line that will always make me laugh.

Oh damned!

I Thought I Felt Your Shape is easily one of my favorite songs ever created.

Zeke and Morgan. I would be okay with that, too. Well, Zeke, Morgan, and the tiger. I bet they would get into some wacky adventures.

Well now I do!

Heh. About that…

Wwrroonnggg. They are different classes of drugs are carry different penalties because of the class. Cocaine is schedule 2 - highly addictive but has some medical use (it's used for numbing reasons), where as crack is schedule 1, and has zero medical benefit.

100 percent depends on how deep the wound is, whether or not it's infected with staph/cellulitis, and the person's tolerance to pain.


She really didn't ride to fame super quickly - she released an album that did incredibly well over seas before "21" (the album was called "19"), and after the success of that album, she was able to procure the talents of some of the best in the business for "21". Every song on that album is basically engineered to

I mean, I barely vomited; I was seriously prepared for so much worse!

Over the past few months I've made it a mission to read everything Joe Hill has ever written, and I finally picked up the Locke and Key novels! I'm on the 4th, and a huge fan (although nothing will ever surpass "Horns", imo).

Actually, a rape kit does more than just collect semen samples. Photos are taken to see if there are bruises, scratches, or other things that might mean the sex that happened wasn't her choice.

Do you know if it's airing at 8 or 9pm?

You're wrong, because she DID have proof.. They could have done a rape kit. She WENT TO HE COPS. They could have taken statements from other people. Found semen samples on the sheets. Anything. It's not her job to find all the proof - it's the cops, and they completely let her down here. Being inebriated and unable to

How many of us are upset that a guy told a rape victim to basically just be quiet because she's never going to find justice, and then when she insisted she wanted to tell her story, decided for her, and instead lie so she wouldn't have the chance to confront her attacker? All of those things make for a pretty shitty

It's my dream to have Che and Cecily host together. I just feel like they radiated chemistry together, and it would be a lot of fun.