
Unfortunately, there's also a hell, and we don't know where Denis would end up. We barely know the dude.

I dunno. If they wanted everyone to hate Euron, why have him kill Sand Snakes?

There's the possibility of blood or pus spurting with all that cutting involved.

That's beefcake, not cheesecake.

Marvel didn't dump DeKnight i don't think, he left to work on movies. He's currently filming Pacific Rim 2.

I dunno, according to many of the TV sitcoms I've seen New York is at least 90% white.

That's a little bananas. I figured she was in her mid 20s.

Fun, like shooting Jimmy Olsen in the head?

I'm with you. I find fanatics more distasteful than zombies, I guess.

Become Mormon, marry both?

Why go back? Zombies are in these days.

Good think you haven't read any of the EU books, or been on the Star Tours ride.

Apparently yes, yes we did need to see it, and FOX is gonna make it happen.

I blame Game of Thrones :P.

Woman of Steel, man of kleenex :P

It's going to take place in the back of a volkswagen?

First thing I saw him in was Adventures in Babysitting as Thor.

Maybe the way they weren't reacting to him?