
The trailer for season two just came out, and this is using footage from only a week of production into season two, and so taken from this early footage, the trailer itself is entirely about Rise of the Planet of the Hosts, we'll have to see what happens during the season itself, but apart from guests fleeing, I don't

Well you made it this far, definitely watch the finale, but um, I just didn't think the new series offered a whole lot more than the original did.

The problem is the world-building was done far better in the 1973 movie.

Don't kid yourself, Westworld is schlock too. I don't watch GoT, so can't say, but suspect it's a barrel of tropey crapola as well.

About 157 episodes past its due date.

Huge! If the new Ghostbusters flops now, it can ONLY be because of misogyny!

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The look of the ship and crew was all wrong. It seemed much more advanced than ST:TOS.

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