
I have done that actually. It's my ultimate Weezer mix, and does include most of Blue and Pinkerton but here's what I've got. (disclaimer, it is my own personal taste, I love a lot of their poppy singles) -If You're Wondering If I Want You To -Beverly Hills -Island in the Sun -Pork and Beans -Da Vinci -Don't Let Go

I know, this doesn't feel like the country that won WW2 anymore. Can you imagine? Taking Trump and West seriously in times like that. Thank god the world is in such a safe and secure state today.

I used to so naive. To think that this nation wouldn't take people like Kanye West and Donald Trump seriously. How are they not being laughed into obscurity? People are so dumb. Also, Kanye's mom died trying to get plastic surgery done. Ha.

"…he was raped"

Ever since Vin posted a clip featuring my favorite song 'Original Don' by Major Lazer, and is now teaming up with greatest action star Tony Jaa for a second time, I think Vin Diesel is seriously cool.

Can't wait for a beach style album from Weezer. They are at their best when they are doing Beach Boys super pop songs. In my mind Blue was perfect but Pinkerton doesn't deserve all the hype, it's great but a lot of the songs are slow or sad, not nearly on the level of Blue. In my opinion every Weezer album since Blue

"Don't roll out of here naked! Stay! Enjoy your coffee!"

I agree with you, Cloverfield is awesome. I own it and have watched it a lot of times. it's very different, the hand held monster movie idea is cool and makes you feel like you are there. Just wanted to agree with you since all these people want to speak up to mention that they don't like something, the pointless

For example the scene when he's in the club alone, and he's imagining touching the dancer, then he sees some guys laughing and he snaps and assaults one of them. It makes you empathize with that rage and worthlessness that comes from being so alone.

I enjoyed this review and agree it is a secret success. I watched Only God Forgives on Netflix and liked enough that I rewatched it again that week, which rarely happens for me. I was a big fan of Valhalla Rising and Drive and was pretty excited for this movie, yet it's slow pace and story threw me off at first. Yet

the thought of Kanye biting it just cheered me up

It was embarrassing to watch them give the music to the big winners like Ridley Scott, Dicaprio, Innaritu, especially when they let Lady Gaga blab on for what felt like minutes.

"Put my cage on the counter so I can see!" "Shut up dog!" Already looking forward to watching Charlie's trumpet routine again.

Thanks for that Santigold mention, I'm enjoying that song right now

There was also some backlash about how Native Americans were portrayed in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt earlier this year. But none of that matters because Zahn McClarnon stepped in and delivered one of the most bad ass performances of the year by anyone, Native American or otherwise. Long Live Hanzee!!

It's the best new comedy on TV, my best friend and I talk about it every week. Will Forte is killing it, the whole cast is good. It's really fresh and has a lot of room for original comedy with the whole post virus thing.

Couldn't agree more. It's ok, watch 'The Gang Tries Desperately to Win an Award' again and see Charlie spit in all their faces.

I'm glad that Review is getting such good….reviews, it's my favorite new comedy. I think Last Man on Earth is really good and should've made the list Will Forte is great on that and it's a fresh and very funny show.

This was such a good episode. I thought it was obvious during the haircut scene that Hanzee was kind of offering Peggy a chance to kill him. The I'm tired of this life line, plus the fact that someone as badass as Hanzee would never put himself in such a vulnerable position as that, makes it obvious. It also seems

The episode where he has to eat a bunch of pancakes and get divoriced was one of the funniest things I've seen on television in a while.