
I think part of the problem with this show is that complaining about political correctness is just conservative's political correctness so it's very hard to criticize or satirize either internet or college activism without coming across like all you know about current activism comes from the redpill and Tumblr in

I don't see how UKS is demonizing anyone, it points out that the feminism of the college students is not well thought through, which is valid, and I understand how the "they're just babies" line could be taken as an insult but I think saying that Kimmy was insulting the college students is putting words in her mouth

I felt that the Chef Jeff story line fit with this episode because while Dev is horrified by Chef Jeff's actions and horrified by the idea that he would be associated with that kind of behavior, his attitude towards women isn't totally different than Chef Jeff's (I get that Dev didn't sexually assault anyone but

I thought the final shot was a fantasy too

Definitely the way she reacted when he pointed out "hey this is kind of racist" made him want to severe ties with her

Casey Affleck may not be a big draw but he is a successful actor and with that comes money and connections

yeah, Lemonade was an excellent album but if you compare the rest of her work she's really not that unique or special (she's just in her moment of cultural relevancy right now)