
Surprised at the ignorance in the comment section. Anybody actually know Phil Robertson's history? He attended Louisiana State, where he played quarterback (yeah, a real dummy position), starting ahead of some other fellow named Fran Tarkenton. Thought to have an NFL career ahead of him, he instead quit football and

…as the urban elite soil themselves with glee. Yeah, this will find an audience. Just like Current TV did….

"If millennials are going to
crown ourselves the generation of New Sincerity—and we will, because
despite our pretensions to irony, all we want from the world is

Annoyed by Homer’s “By pure coincidence, every scientist was right!” pitch for global warming…primarily because it is no more than back-patting by the liberal-to-the-core writing staff, who seem more and more to be using the Simpsons as merely an audition platform for which to achieve their dream job: Writing for Jon

Camille Paglia - she's pigeonholed as a "feminist", but her social critiques (not for the faint-hearted) bite both ways. Vonnegut would have qualified, does Tom Wolfe?