Oh Sweet Fancy Moses

And did I miss the part where the agents informed the townsfolk that it was a guy portal 'bamfing' that caused all of that mayhem and NOT the girl they now think is the town 'Carrie?'


WOW. Maybe I'll have to watch the show again tomorrow and maybe see something a lot of the commenters saw, but I completely agree with Oliver in thinking this was one of the worst episodes of the series thus far and I've liked them ALL to varying degrees.

I'm not talking about the Fox version, I'm talking about the ABC version which came out years before. It got crushed in the ratings. The latter Fox version was much, much better, but still didn't last but @2 seasons.

You mad. DC couldn't survive if it were on a real network. On the 'CW', you can have shows with the ratings of 'One Tree Hill' last for 20 years because nobody watches them. Network Television is a whole different beast. DC was in the same boat years ago when they had 'The Human Target' on ABC. Loved the show, but